مجموعة دروس عن برنامج عمل الدروس والشروحات الفلاشية الأشهر والأقوى عالميا
Adobe Captivate 8

الفيديوهات بجودة عالية 720
Absolutely-timed Effects in Adobe Captivate 8
Accelerometer-based Game in Adobe Captivate 8
Bringing your PPT into Adobe Captivate 8
Common JavaScript Interface in Adobe Captivate 8
Creating a Software Simulation with Adobe Captivate 8
Creating Custom Theme Colors in Adobe Captivate 8
Creating Quizzes with Adobe Captivate 8
Creating Responsive Projects with Adobe Captivate 8
Device-aware Delivery with Adobe Captivate 8
Drag & Drop Interaction in Adobe Captivate 8
Enhancements in Shared actions in Adobe Captivate 8
Gesture Support for Adobe Captivate 8 Courses
Introduction to Adobe Captivate 8
Location-aware Learning with Adobe Captivate 8
Memory Game in Adobe Captivate 8
Multi-device Preview with Adobe Captivate 8
Natively Import HTML5 Animations in Adobe Captivate 8
Natively Import Web Objects in Adobe Captivate 8
Positioning Objects in Responsive Adobe Captivate 8 Projects
Removing Popups from Your Recording in Adobe Captivate 8
Responsive Preview and Publish Options in Adobe Captivate 8
Responsive Quizzes in Adobe Captivate 8
Responsive Simulations in Adobe Captivate 8
Smart Shape Enhancements in Adobe Captivate 8
Text formatting for different breakpoints in Adobe Captivate 8
Using Responsive Themes and Theme colors in Adobe Captivate 8
What's new in Adobe Captivate 8