Lynda - HTML5 Graphics and Animation with Canvas

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    Lynda - Graphics and Animation with Canvas

    One of the most exciting additions that HTML5 offers to designers is the ability to draw free-form graphics on a drawing surface known as the Canvas. In this course, author Joe Marini introduces the technical concepts behind Canvas and shows how to perform drawing operations directly in a web page. The course covers drawing basic and complex shapes, setting colors and styles, adding shadows, patterns, and gradients, more advanced techniques such as scaling, rotating, and compositing objects, and how to incorporate Canvas elements in a slideshow and an animation.

    Topics include:

    00 Introduction

    01 Examples of Current HTML5 Sites

    02 Setting Up Your Workspace

    03 Introducing the Canvas Element

    04 Understanding the Canvas Element and 2D Drawing API

    05 Basic Canvas Drawing Techniques

    06 Complex Canvas Drawing Techniques

    07 Advanced Canvas Drawing Operations

    08 Building Practical Examples

    09 Conclusion

    Exercise Files


