Applied Flow Technology Impulse v7.0.1122 build 2020.01.30
Applied Flow Technology Impulse - a set of tools that provide the ability to work with the model interactively through a graphical interface, the toolkit includes a built-in library of expert knowledge on the problem of hydraulic shock. Applied Flow Technology Impulse allows you to create a project design of a pipeline system with a greater degree of protection, reliability and safety eliminating the potentially dangerous effects of water hammer and other undesirable transient conditions.
Applied Flow Technology Impulse - a set of tools that provide the ability to work with the model interactively through a graphical interface, the toolkit includes a built-in library of expert knowledge on the problem of hydraulic shock. Applied Flow Technology Impulse allows you to create a project design of a pipeline system with a greater degree of protection, reliability and safety eliminating the potentially dangerous effects of water hammer and other undesirable transient conditions.