Disk Drill Professional 4.3.585.0 Multilingual (x64)

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  • Oldvb
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    تحميل برنامج Disk Drill Professional العملاق فى استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة

    برنامج Disk Drill Professional من اكثر البرامج تحميل ، ويعتبر برنامج Disk Drill Professional العملاق فى مجال إسترجاع الملفات المحذوفة من على الكمبيوتر ، ويسترجع برنامج Disk Drill Professional ملفات : الموسيقى ، الفيديو ، الأغانى ، المستندات ، .. إلخ ، كما يسترجع برنامج Disk Drill Professional ايضا الملفات المحذوفة من على الفلاش ميمورى او الكارت الميمورى.

    " إسترجاع الملفات المحذوفة او المفقودة " هى عبارة من اكثر العبارات شهرة فى الويب ، حيث يبحث الجميع عن برامج عملاقة لإسترجاع الملفات المحذوفة ، ولكن هيهات ان يجد برنامجا يفيه بالغرض لإسترجاع الملفات المحذوفة ، إذ أنّ معظم المواضيع المتصدرة نتائج البحث فى جوجل لا تحتوى على برامج فعالة جدا او بمعنى اصح تعمل حق

    • Oldvb
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      DISK DRILL v Pro

      برنامج معروف لدوي انظمة الماكنتوش لكن الان مع ويندوز في :

      استرجاع ملفات المحدوفة بمختلف مستوياتها و مخصص لجميع انواع داكرات
      التخزين و دريفات لجميع الانظمة مع عدة خصائص
      hdd usb ipod memory card ....
      ntfs fat exfat hfs ext/2/3/4 ....

      اخد صور باك اب للنظام

      حماية الملفات و الهاردات

      هو برنامج جد بسيط و سريع و يستاهل تجربة

      متوافق مع جميع انظمة ويندوز

      تمت تجربته على نظام وهمي و هو لا يحتاج الى تفعيل

      رابط التحميل

      • semo1
        مشرف القسم الهندسي
        • Nov 2018 
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        الله يجزاك الخير
        • semo1
          مشرف القسم الهندسي
          • Nov 2018 
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          الله يجزاك الخير
          • ABU.AMR
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            لاستعادة الملفات المحذوفة بعد الفورمات Disk Drill Professional 4.0.487.0

            من الأعمال رفيعة المستوى إلى الاسترخاء في المنزل ، تدور الحياة الحديثة حول البيانات. نحن نعلم جميعا أن الشعور غرق ملف مفقود. لحسن الحظ Disk Drill هنا للمساعدة في برنامج استرداد الملفات المتقدم على جميع الأجهزة والملفات المتصلة. قم بتنزيل Disk Drill ، وانقر فوق "استرداد" وشاهده كلما تحسن يومك.

            From high-level business to home relaxation, modern life revolves around data. We all know that sinking feeling of a missing file. Fortunately Disk Drill is here to help with advanced file recovery software on all of your connected devices and files. Download Disk Drill, click “Recover” and watch as your day gets better.


            • ابوعبدوالحلبي
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              جزاكَ الله خيراً
              • أبورضوى محمد دسوقى
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                جزاك الله خيرا
                برنامج اكثر من رائع
                • Saadedin
                  Thread Author
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                  Disk Drill Professional 4.0.514.0 Multilingual

                  From high-level business to home relaxation, modern life revolves around data. We all know that sinking feeling of a missing file. Fortunately Disk Drill is here to help with advanced file recovery software on all of your connected devices and files. Download Disk Drill, click “Recover” and watch as your day gets better.

                  • rramadan
                    LifeTime Premium
                    • Nov 2018 
                    • 16 

                    it is not downloading
                    • Saadedin
                      Thread Author
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                      شكرا لكم وتم اصلاح الرابط
                      • A.HMED
                        Free Membership
                        • Nov 2018 

                        لسه مش شغال الرابط
                        • أبورضوى محمد دسوقى
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                          Originally posted by A.HMED View Post
                          لسه مش شغال الرابط
                          الرابط يعمل

                          • holool1
                            LifeTime Premium
                            • Sep 2023 

                            شكرا على البرنامج و لكن يحتاج اسم مستخدم و كلمة السر للتحميل
                            • azirim
                              Free Membership
                              • Apr 2020 

                              شكرا على البرنامج و لكن يحتاج اسم مستخدم و كلمة السر للتحميل
                              • Farid-Khan
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                                From high-level business to home relaxation, modern life revolves around data. We all know that sinking feeling of a missing file. Fortunately Disk Drill is here to help with advanced file recovery software on all of your connected devices and files. Download Disk Drill, click “Recover” and watch as your day gets better.

                                Platform Independent
                                Disk Drill is powered by multiple data recovery algorithms that read NTFS, FAT32, EXT, HFS+ and many other file systems. Even obscure file types are accessible using our software.

                                Fixed & Mobile Storage
                                Recover your lost data on system disks and external devices, including all types of memory cards and USB drives. If you can connect it to your computer, Disk Drill can find your lost data.

                                Quick and Simple
                                Disk Drill tells you if your files can be recovered for free. Just a few files deleted? 500MB of free data recovery on us!

                                Complete Data Recovery
                                There are countless ways to lose your data. Power failure, failed boot drives, partition damage, an accidentally emptied Recycle Bin, a virus attack… these are only the most common. Data loss can be a frustrating, infuriating or downright terrifying experience. For fast, reliable file recovery software, download Disk Drill for Windows to recover your lost data no matter what the cause.

                                Multiple Scan Options
                                Was your data lost just a few minutes ago? On Windows, your chances of free file recovery are much higher if you act right away and Disk Drill is the perfect way to retrieve these lost bits. Even if Disk Drill wasn’t installed when the files were deleted, Disk Drill knows where to look and can bring them back to you in a flash. Accidentally deleted files are an easy target for Disk Drill’s Quick Scan function. Typically, when a file is deleted, the file contents are still there on the drive and only the filename has been marked as removed. Quick Scan takes just a second to find the list of recently deleted items. You then choose which ones you wish to recover and Disk Drill recovers them as if they’d never been lost!

                                Powerful Session Management Means Flexible Scanning
                                Recovering data from large hard drives or memory cards can be a time consuming process. In an ideal world we would be able to sit around and wait, but that is not always the case, which is why Disk Drill features powerful session management features. Scans can be paused, stopped or resumed anytime. This means that you do not need to wait for a full scan to finish if you have already found the file you were after, simply stop the scan and recover it. If you need to pause a scan to step away or turn off your computer, no problem! Come back and resume a scan anytime exactly where you left off in a prior session.

                                Premium Data Protection
                                Even before your data is lost, download Disk Drill to start protecting your files right now. With Recovery Vault enabled, our software provides an added level of protection for all your sensitive and important locations. Quite simply, Recovery Vault stores detailed information about every file that you delete, think of it as an extended Recycle Bin in your system without the need for extra disk space. That way, if you change your mind it’s a simple matter of a click to restore it back.

                                More Than File Recovery Software, Full Partition Recovery
                                Disk Drill for Windows is a free data recovery software. Its powerful scanning engine is unmatched in versatility and scanning power. You can recover up to 500MB completely free. Advanced scanning options like Quick Scan for fast, easy scans and Deep Scan for more complex, deeper searches means that your files can easily be recovered by Disk Drill. Recovery goes beyond just files with Disk Drill’s full partition recovery feature. Included with Disk Drill are several powerful partition healing algorithms, too. Combining these tools into a single data recovery suite (Disk Drill) means you have the best possible chance to recover not only your files but your entire storage medium. Disk Drill is especially helpful after erroneous formats on partitions, by scanning the entire drive (and not just the new partition) it is possible for Disk Drill to recover the original partition and many or all associated files.

                                The Ultimate File Recovery Toolkit
                                Not having the right tool makes the job much harder which is why Disk Drill has everything you need for complete free file recovery. In addition to simply being able to recover files, Disk Drill can do much more with an advanced suite of powerful features wrapped in an easy to use interface. Check out some of the tools & features of Disk Drill:

                                Scanning Choices
                                Multiple advanced recovery algorithms including Quick Scan and Deep Scan for more complex situations.

                                Recovery Vault
                                The best way to fix lost files is to prevent file loss! Disk Drill’s Recovery Vault protects your valuable files and data.

                                ISO/DMG Backup
                                Don’t want to restore multiple files on your computer now? No worries, Disk Drill can backup your recovery results into a mountable DMG or ISO!

                                Pause & Resume
                                We know life happens, Disk Drill offers a powerful pause and resume feature to start and stop scanning at anytime, perfect for large drives.

                                USB Drive Recovery
                                Disk Drill can scan and recover from USB drives, memory cards and other forms of portable media. If your computer can read it, we can scan it.

                                Partition Recovery
                                Lost or damaged partition? No problem. Disk Drill features an advanced partition recovery tool and several healing algorithms, too.

                                Flexible Data Recovery Software
                                In most cases lost data is so valuable it's nearly impossible to replace. Disk Drill can recover deleted data from virtually any storage device. This includes internal and external hard drives, memory cards and more from desktops, laptops, workstations, even cameras or iPods. If your computer has direct access to a device's memory, Disk Drill will be able to scan it for lost data. You don't have to worry about the recovery method, Disk Drill will quickly analyze the problem and choose the most effective approach.

                                Languages: Multilingual | File size: 38 MB
