جزاك الله كل خير أخي الغالي
Comodo Dragon 80.0.3987.163
PC Software 2
أخى الفاضل zaza-14
كنت قد قرأت بالأسفل مقالة كتبت فى 5 / يوليو / 2017
فهل تغير الوضع فى 8 / نوفمبر / 2019
Why You Shouldn’t Use (Most) Alternative Browsers Based on Google Chrome
Google Chrome is based on Chromium
an open-source browser project
Anyone can take the Chromium source code and use it to build their own browser
renaming it and changing whatever they like
That’s why there are so many alternative browsers based on Google Chrome
but you don’t necessarily want to use most of them
Comodo Dragon is a Chrome-based browser made by Comodo
A security company
It's installed by default with Comodo Internet Security
You'd think a “secure” web browser made by a security software company would be_wellsecure
but it's had some big problems
Even if you don’t trust Google
Google is a large company with a lot of eyes on it
Google won’t steal your credit card number
If Google does something bad or makes a big mistake in Chrome
Everyone will hear about it
The same isn’t true for these Chromium alternatives
Many of the features promised in various third-party browsers can be achieved
simply by tweaking Chrome’s settings or installing extensions from the Chrome Web Store
You’re better off using Google Chrome and installing a few browser extensions than
switching to a Chrome-based alternative
ولعلمك أخى الفاضل zaza-14
أنا جربت أيضا Comodo IceDragon و Opera
ووجدت تقريبا نفس الأمورالأخرى المذكورة بالمقالة
فإستقريت على
IE 11 as Default
Microsoft Edge 2ndly
Mozilla FireFox ثالثا لبعض الإستخدامات
على ويندوز 10 عندى
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Comodo Dragon 80.0.3987.163