Many species of birds are maintained by aviculturalists,
zoological institutions, Governments
and other organizations for captive breeding
programs, research and to educate and
inspire those that have the opportunity to view them.
The task of maintaining the health of the many species of birds requires constant attention
and great effort. Many birds do not exhibit clinical signs until late in a disease process.
Consequently, diagnostic procedures, such as hematology, may provide valuable insight
into the health status of an individual before clinical signs become apparent, and allow
early intervention. Interpretation of hematological results is most effective when the characteristics of
a particular species, both in health and in response to disease are known. Unfortunately,
these basic facts are not known for the majority of avian species, necessitating extrapolation
from knowledge of the characteristics of domestic species of birds and
relatively few “milestone” studies undertaken on “important” or available species of birds.