RedCrab Calculator PLUS + 7.14

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    RedCrab Calculator PLUS
    RedCrab Calculator PLUS

    RedCrab Calculator is a mathematics software with fullscreen editor for the free placement of algebraic formulas on the worksheet in mathematical notation. Results can be displayed in different numeric formats and in diagrams. Images and texts can be inserted.

    RedCrab Calculator PLUS

    RedCrab PLUS
    The shareware RedCrab PLUS extends the range of functions with additional functions for statistics, finances, matrices and special applications, as well as calculating with complex numbers and units of measure. Plotting of 2D graphics and charts.

    - Free placement of mathematical formulas in natural notation
    - Numerics formats of results
    - Decimal fixed point, floating point, exponent
    - Hexadecimal, octal or binary
    - Date- and time format
    - Optionaly with text
    - With units of measurement
    - With prefix
    - Individual assignment of output formats to variables
    - Audible announcement of the results
    - Number of chart types for graphical display of the results
    - 2D function plotter
    - Calculating with units of measure. Automatic conversion of different systems in a formula (km, miles, acres, liter, yard).
    - Defining your own mathematical functions
    - Accuracy digits: 14 / 28
    - Print selected areas of the worksheet
    - Insert of text boxes
    - Integrated functions: >250
    - Tooltips and online help in German and English
    - Interface (API) to perform its own functions in external programs
    - Slider for variable data input

    RedCrab Calculator PLUS

    RedCrab Calculator PLUS


    حاسبة لحل المشاكل الحسابية المعقدة وعمل الرسوم البيانية

    RedCrab Calculator

    RedCrab Calculator

    RedCrab Calculator

    While the calculator that comes with Windows has some advanced features, it can sometimes be difficult to work with. RedCrab is a program that was designed to come to the aid of those that need a tool to solve advanced math problems.

    The app has a clean interface, with several functions accessible straight from the main frame



      الة حاسبة لحلول الرياضيات المتقدمة

      RedCrab Calculator Full Portable

      RedCrab Calculator Full Portable
      RedCrab Calculator Full Portable -- 3.9 Mb

      While the calculator that comes with Windows has some advanced features, it can sometimes be difficult to work with. RedCrab is a program that was designed to come to the aid of those that need a tool to solve advanced math problems.

      The app has a clean interface, with several functions accessible straight from the main frame.

      RedCrab is an efficient calculator that enables you to work in fullscreen mode, which makes everything easier to observe. Furthermore, the mathematical expressions aren't typed in a typical command line, but can be entered in the editor window. This may be displayed as a blank page or as a grid.

      The calculator comes with several panels that can be extended on the right side of the GUI. Thus, you can view a classic number pad, some scientific applications (Sin, Cos, Log, etc) and symbols (root, pi, sum, etc). Also, the program includes tools designed for programmers, as well for those that work with statistics.

      Complex tasks may be explained visually by importing images to the page. These can be in BMP or JPEG format. Also, inserting text boxes is possible. These may be customized by changing the font name, style and size, as well as the color.

      If needed, a virtual keyboard is made available by the app. It is easily accessible from the interface.

      The bottom line is that RedCrab is a nice program that can be of great help to those who work extensively with advanced math problems. Inexperienced users might need some time to figure out everything that this app can do.

      New in version

      * Cumulative Update with improvements on tool box buttons. More improvements in details.

      Pentium P4
      1 GB RAM

      OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10



        برنامج رياضيات مع محرر بملء الشاشة لوضع الصيغ الجبرية في ورقة العمل في التدوين الرياضي. يمكن عرض النتائج في تنسيقات رقمية مختلفة وفي الرسوم البيانية ويمكن إدراج الصور والنصوص.
        مع وظائف إضافية للإحصاءات والتمويل والمصفوفات والتطبيقات الخاصة ، بالإضافة إلى حساب الأعداد المركبة ووحدات القياس ورسم الرسومات والمخططات ثنائية الأبعاد.

        RedCrab Calculator is a mathematics software with fullscreen editor for the free placement of algebraic formulas on the worksheet in mathematical notation. Results can be displayed in different numeric formats and in diagrams. Images and texts can be inserted.

        The shareware RedCrab PLUS extends the range of functions with additional functions for statistics, finances, matrices and special applications, as well as calculating with complex numbers and units of measure. Plotting of 2D graphics and charts.

        RedCrab Calculator



          جزاك الله خيرا

            عاشت ايدك

              جزاكَ الله خيراً أخي الكريم

                جزاك الله خير

                  thank you

                    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

                    RedCrab Calculator PLUS

                    RedCrab Calculator PLUS

                    حاسبة علمية مثيرة للاهتمام التي تنفذ ليس فقط محاكاة العمليات على ورقة الرسم البياني،بل يسمح لك أيضا بتحرير الصيغ وإضافة الرسوم البيانية والنص.

                    يمكنك استخدام لوحة المفاتيح لكتابة أي وظيفة، الكمية،عملية أو، باستثناء وظائف الوصول إليها من لوحة التحكم بما في ذلك علم المثلثات، اللوغاريتمات، والأقواس.

                    مع الكثير من الخيارات لوظائف الأداء والنص الإضافي والرسوم البيانية، يمكنك دراسة كل ما تحتاجه من جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك.

                    تشتمل أيضا على دليل شامل للمساعدة أي مستخدم تصبح مريحة مع البرنامج، لا يهم إذا كنت خبيرا أو وافد جديدا إلى هذا النوع من البرامج أو الرياضيات بشكل عام.

                    RedCrab Calculator PLUS

                    الرابط :RedCrab Calculator PLUS

                    نسخه محموله ( بورتابل ) اصدار اقدم RedCrab Calculator


                      Originally posted by faristorrent
                      جزاك الله كل خير

                        جزاك الله خيرا ، وبارك لك في عمرك.


                            تسلم إيدك أخي الغالي
                            جزاك الله كل خير

                              RedCrab Calculator PLUS

                              Languages: English | File Size: 13.81 MB

                              RedCrab Calculator PLUS

                              RedCrab Calculator عبارة عن برنامج للرياضيات مع محرر بملء الشاشة لوضع الصيغ الجبرية مجانًا في ورقة العمل بترميز رياضي. يمكن عرض النتائج في تنسيقات رقمية مختلفة وفي المخططات. يمكن إدراج الصور والنصوص.

                              RedCrab Calculator is a mathematics software with fullscreen editor for the free placement of algebraic formulas on the worksheet in mathematical notation. Results can be displayed in different numeric formats and in diagrams. Images and texts can be inserted.

                              RedCrab PLUS
                              The shareware RedCrab PLUS extends the range of functions with additional functions for statistics, finances, matrices and special applications, as well as calculating with complex numbers and units of measure. Plotting of 2D graphics and charts.

                              - Free placement of mathematical formulas in natural notation
                              - Numerics formats of results
                              - Decimal fixed point, floating point, exponent
                              - Hexadecimal, octal or binary
                              - Date- and time format
                              - Optionaly with text
                              - With units of measurement
                              - With prefix
                              - Individual assignment of output formats to variables
                              - Audible announcement of the results
                              - Number of chart types for graphical display of the results
                              - 2D function plotter
                              - Calculating with units of measure. Automatic conversion of different systems in a formula (km, miles, acres, liter, yard). Automatische Umrechnung verschiedener Systeme in einer Formel (km, Meilen, Hektar, Liter, Yard)
                              - Defining your own mathematical functions
                              - Accuracy digits: 14 / 28
                              - Print selected areas of the worksheet
                              - Insert of text boxes
                              - Integrated functions: >250
                              - Tooltips and online help in German and English
                              - Interface (API) to perform its own functions in external programs
                              - Slider for variable data input

                              System Requirements:
                              - Windows XP,
                              - Windows Server 2008, 2012,
                              - Windows Vista, Windows 7,
                              - Windows 8, Windows 10
                              - Net Framework 4.0