طلب كورس mastering book marketing لنشر الكتب على امازون

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  • hamed hamed
    Thread Author
    Free Membership
    • Dec 2018 
    • 12 

    السلام عليكم
    ارجو توفير هذا الكورس ممن يستطيع توفيره في منتدانا الكريم جزاكم الله خيرا وزادكم من فضله لاني في حاجة له
    رابط الكورس

    وصف الكورس
    Dear Book Author or Publisher,

    Today I’m talking to anyone who’s every written or published a book they’re proud of and then faced the crushing frustration of trying to get it into more hands without going broke promoting it.

    And I know there’s someone reading this right now that wants to publish a book, but hasn’t started because they’re afraid that nobody will read it because they don’t know how to get exposure, momentum and sales.

    So whether you’ve got a book out there now or want to... but are stuck like a deer-in-headlights, this is for you.

    First of all, have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to promote a book?

    Let me share with you a few reasons...

    1. Since books have such a low price, it can be very expensive to buy advertising using traditional methods and recover the cost.

    2. Most people buy books based on either the Bestseller lists or word-of-mouth... (So if you aren’t a bestseller and nobody’s recommending your book, it’s hard to know what to do).

    3. Competition is fierce for reader's attention and getting worse.

    4. Finally, most authors and publishers are focusing on writing and publishing a good book, are passionate about their content, and they aren’t expert level marketers.

    So how do you make a book a bestselling blockbuster that rakes in a fortune for its author?

    For one, you stop asking that question because the bad news is, only a tiny number of books will ever reach superstar status.

    The good news is, it’s not hard to create momentum and steadily increase book sales that produces passive income every single month.

    And most authors and publishers I know would LOVE to give their books enough traction to pump several thousand dollars per month into their account by utilizing the best marketing strategies.

    And I’m here to show you how to do just that.
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