مشروع عمل كامل لصناعة البومات الصور للافتر افكت - حتى ما يلتبس الامر على حدى المشروع لعمل مجموعة صور البوم صور فيديو
Universal Album Creator - VideoHive After Effects Project

Included textures for different album and table look:
ALBUM: white, ivory, black and brown leather, card paper
TABLE: 4 types of wood, 8 tablecloths (blue, pink, red, 2 white, 2 fabric and 1 for Christmas)
Combne different texture variants to achieve unique look
Adjust the album border color and text color as you like with one click
Technical & additional info:
NO EXTERNAL PLUGINS NEEDED – you can even use a demo version of After Effects to use the project (VideoCopilot Optical Flares plugin is optional – prerendered version is included in the project; the snow in the Xmas update is generated by Particular plugin, but pre-rendered version is included also)
38 + 1 (on album cover) placeholders for photos (or even videos!)
After Effects CS5, CS5.5 and CS6 compatible
Full HD (19201080) – can be easily converted to any lower resolution
Very easy to use (even for beginners), well organized project, help file included
Rendering time: 2 hours 30 mins on Core i5, 12GB RAM
حجم الملف 281MB
Universal Album Creator - VideoHive After Effects Project

Universal Album Creator - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects Version CS5, CS5.5, CS6 -- 1920x1080 -- mov -- 280mb
After Effects Version CS5, CS5.5, CS6 -- 1920x1080 -- mov -- 280mb
Included textures for different album and table look:
ALBUM: white, ivory, black and brown leather, card paper
TABLE: 4 types of wood, 8 tablecloths (blue, pink, red, 2 white, 2 fabric and 1 for Christmas)
Combne different texture variants to achieve unique look
Adjust the album border color and text color as you like with one click
Technical & additional info:
NO EXTERNAL PLUGINS NEEDED – you can even use a demo version of After Effects to use the project (VideoCopilot Optical Flares plugin is optional – prerendered version is included in the project; the snow in the Xmas update is generated by Particular plugin, but pre-rendered version is included also)
38 + 1 (on album cover) placeholders for photos (or even videos!)
After Effects CS5, CS5.5 and CS6 compatible
Full HD (19201080) – can be easily converted to any lower resolution
Very easy to use (even for beginners), well organized project, help file included
Rendering time: 2 hours 30 mins on Core i5, 12GB RAM
حجم الملف 281MB