مقاطع انتقالية من ديجيتال جويس
Digital Juice - Swipes! 11: Trick Or Treat

Title: Swipes! v11: Trick or Treat
Official website: Digital Juice
Type dispensed: Animated Transitional Wipes
Format: .mov, .wav
Resolution file
HD - 1920x1080
SD - 720x576
WAV (4608 kbps, 24 bit, stereo, 96 kHz)
Swipes! v11: Trick or Treat - a collection of funny animated video transitions with no less eerie sound effects on a Halloween theme. Evil eye falling spiders, flaming skulls, ghosts, cauldrons bubbling, dripping blood ... in short, Shocking!

Swipes! v11: Trick or Treat - it is full-screen, full-color animated video transitions, which serve as a transition between two video segments, video clips or still images. To work with them do not require any special add-ons, they are easily edited in programs for video editing with support for alpha channel. For each clip available sound effects. These easy-to-use animation is unique and very useful
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Transitions Swipes! 11: Trick or Treat in the original should be broken into 2 disks
Tags disks SWP_V11D01D_V1 and SWP_V11D02D_V1
On the second disc should be positioned directories:
Source \ HD
Source \ CD
Source \ SFX
They are, respectively, transitions and sounds from a number of 0330 and 0318 transitions 001_SWPBonus, 002_SWPBonus, 003_SWPBonus,
When working with Juser 3 is important because when working with these files, the program will require hard to insert Disc 2 with the corresponding label the disk.
Just what transitions must be on disc 2, you can view Juicer 3 by clicking the right mouse button on the preview transition and selecting the menu item "Info"
For those who have downloaded a disk can be divided into two self-important right to specify the label discs and of course to share files on the disk with the corresponding directory structure
The Digital Juice Swipes! all three series of passages are divided into two discs is 8, 11 and 2