Udemy Complete English for Beginners level 2016

Year: 2016
Manufacturer: Udemy
Manufacturer Website: www.udemy.com
Manufacturer Website: 00:19:04
Type of material handed out: Study Easy & simple English!
English language
Description: Start from scratch and become Python Pro with this course
PHP Code:
00 None
000 Intro Lecture.mp4
001 Vocabulary Book All the vocabulary necessary for this course.html
001 Grammar Subjects and the verb to Be.pdf
002 Grammar Demonstrative Pronouns This, That, These, Those.mp4
003 Grammar How to identify a subject.mp4
004 Grammar Determiners a an, the, nothing.mp4
005 Grammar How to create a sentence in English.mp4
02 UNIT 1
001 Grammar Pronouns and Possessives.pdf
002 The verb Have got.pdf
003 Grammar The possessive genitive s.mp4
004 Reading.pdf
005 Spelling words.mp3
006 Pronunciation.mp3
03 UNIT 2
001 Grammar Present Simple.mp4
002 Grammar Interrogative Pronouns.pdf
003 Grammar The WASV formula to create questions.mp4
004 Reading.pdf
005 Listening 1.mp4
006 Listening 2.mp4
04 UNIT 3
001 Grammar Adverbs of Frequency.mp4
002 Reading.pdf
003 Spelling words.mp3
004 Pronunciation.mp3
06 UNIT 4
001 Grammar There is are.mp4
002 Grammar Some Any.mp4
003 Grammar How much How many.mp4
004 Grammar much many a lot of.mp4
005 Reading 1.pdf
006 Reading 2.pdf
007 Listening.mp4
07 UNIT 5
001 Grammar Present Continuous be going to.mp4
002 Grammar Differences Present Simple vs Present Continuous.mp4
003 Reading 1.pdf
004 Reading 2.pdf
005 Listening 1.mp4
006 Pronunciation.mp3
08 UNIT 6
001 Grammar Can.mp4
002 Grammar Useful English structures.pdf
003 Reading 1.pdf
004 Spelling words.mp3
005 Dictation.pdf
006 Dictation.mp3
09 UNIT 7
001 Grammar Comparatives Superlatives.mp4
002 Reading 1.pdf
003 Dictation.pdf
004 Dictation.mp3
005 Pronunciation.mp3
10 UNIT 8
001 Grammar Two verbs together.mp4
002 Reading.pdf
003 Dictation.pdf
004 Dictation.mp3
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