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    EnglishPod.com - Learn English on Your Terms

    Learn English on your terms with convenient, mobile podcasts and connect to a global community of English learners. We'll also give you real English, not the language you can find in textbooks, but English you can use every day

    ACC 32 kbit/s

    001-Elementary-Difficult Customer
    002-Elementary-Calling in Sick
    003-Elementary-Hotel Upgrade
    004-Elementary-I need an assistant
    005-Elementary-Cut in Line
    006-Elementary-Road Trip
    008-Elementary-What is your name again
    009-Elementary-Silence please
    010-Intermediate-Driving Sales
    011-Upper Intermediate-New Guy in Town
    012-Intermediate-Cleaning the House
    013-Intermediate-Out of Control Spending
    014-Elementary-I'm in Debt
    015-Intermediate-I'm sorry I love you 1
    016-Elementary-Turn Left Here
    017-Elementary-Here Comes the Bride
    018-Upper Intermediate-Protest
    019-Intermediate-Christmas Chronicles 1
    020-Elementary-I can see clearly now
    021-Intermediate-What do you do
    022-Intermediate-Christmas Chronicles 2
    023-Elementary-Making an Appointment
    024-Elementary-Where Should We Eat
    025-Upper Intermediate-Planning for the Worst
    026-Elementary-New Year Resolution
    027-Elementary-Asking for time Off
    028-Intermediate-I'm sorry I love you 2
    029-Advanced-Investing in Emerging Markets
    030-Intermediate-New Guy in Town 2
    031-Elementary-Canceling an Appointment
    032-Intermediate-Opening a Bank Account
    034-Upper Intermediate-Live from Washington
    035-Intermediate-He's not a good fit
    036-Elementary-I'm sorry I love you 3
    037-Intermediate-Chinese New Year
    038-Intermediate-Buying a Car
    039-Elementary-My New Boyfriend
    040-Elementary-Can I ask you a favor
    041-Intermediate-Movie Trailer
    042-Elementary-I need more time
    043-Intermediate-Applying for a Visa
    044-Elementary-Small Talk
    045-Intermediate-I'm sorry i love you 4
    046-Upper Intermediate-Emergency Room
    047-Advanced-Just in Time Strategy
    048-Intermediate-Carnival in Rio
    049-Intermediate-Daddy Please
    050-Intermediate-New Guy in Town 2
    051-Elementary-What a Bargain
    052-Elementary-Pizza Delivery
    053-Intermediate-Head Chef
    054-Intermediate-I'm sorry I love you 5
    056-Intermediate - Planning a Bank Robbery
    057-Intermediate - Malfunction
    058-Upper Intermediate - This Is Your Captain Speaking
    059-Advanced - Job Interview I
    060-Intermediate - New Guy in Town IV
    061-Elementary - Swim faster!
    062-Advanced - Job Interview II
    063-Intermediate - I'm Sorry I Love You 6
    064-Advanced - Job Interview III
    065-Elementary - Calling The Office
    066-Elementary - Receptionist
    067-Upper Intermediate - Groundbreaking Research
    068-Intermediate - Soccer
    069-Elementary - How Would You Like Your Eggs
    070-Advanced - Buying Underwear
    071-Elementary - Happy Hour
    072-Intermediate - You Are Fired!
    073-Elementary - Which Finger
    074-Upper Intermediate - What Am I Thinking!
    075-Intermediate - Going To The Dentist
    076-Elementary - Learning Simple Math
    077-Intermediate - F1 Racing
    078-Upper Intermediate - I'm Sorry I Love You 7
    079-Advanced - International Workers Day
    080-Elementary - Funky Galaxy Battles
    081-Elementary - Getting A Hair Cut
    082-Intermediate - New Guy In Town 5
    083-Intermediate - Using The ATM
    084-Elementary - At The Pharmacy
    085-Elementary - Baseball
    086-Intermediate - Looking for an Apartment
    087-Elementary - Star Trek The Lost Generation
    088-Elementary - Will You Be My Girlfriend
    089-Intermediate - At The Airport
    090-Upper Intermediate - I'm Sorry I Love You VIII
    091-Upper Intermediate - Aliens!
    092-Elementary - 1950's
    093-Upper Intermediate - Volleyball
    094-Advanced - Big Bang Theory
    095-Intermediate - Talking About a Past Event
    096-Intermediate - 1960's English
    097-Upper Intermediate - Weather Forecast
    098-Intermediate - Flattering
    099-Advanced - Movie Review
    100-Intermediate - Where are you from
    101-Elementary - 1970's
    102-Advanced - Global Warming
    103-Elementary - Baby, I'm Sorry
    104-Advanced - Skiing
    105-Intermediate - Job Well Done
    106-Intermediate - Mobile Phone Plan
    107-Upper Intermediate - Complaining at a Restaurant
    108-Upper Intermediate - Bad news, boss
    109-Intermediate - Breaking Up
    110-Elementary - Registering for University
    111-Elementary - Golf
    112-Intermediate - Dr. Plumber
    113-Elementary - Sorry I'm Late
    114-Intermediate - 1980's
    115-Elementary - I Don't Feel So Good
    116-Advanced - You Missed The Deadline!
    117-Upper Intermediate - I'm Sorry I Love You IX
    118-Intermediate - Baby Talk
    119-Elementary - Being Scared
    120-Upper Intermediate - Boxing
    121-Advanced - Presidential Speech
    122-Elementary - Supermarket Cashier
    123-Intermediate - 1990's
    124-Upper Intermediate - Tools
    125-Elementary - No Smoking
    126-Intermediate - Thats Funny
    127-Elementary - I love That Song
    128-Upper Intermediate - Im Love You
    129-Advance - Presidential Speech 2
    130-Elementary - Going To The Gym
    131-Elementary - Daily Life - What if Part 1
    132-Upper Intermediate - Mechanic
    133-Intermediate - Doing Laundry
    134-Elementary - Buying TV
    135-Elementary - Cheer Up
    136-Advanced - Gambling
    137-Upper Intermediate - Getting Internet Service
    138-Elementary - Daily Life - Renting A Car
    139-Elementary - The Weekend - Playing Chess
    140-Elementary - Daily Life - Buying a Computer
    141-Intermediate - Daily Life - What if Part 2
    142-Elementary - The Weekend - What Do I Wear
    143-Intermediate - Daily Life - The Butcher
    144-Advance - Global View - Capital Punishment
    145-Elementary - Daily Life - Chicken Pox
    146-Upper Intermediate - Global View - Animal Rights
    147-Upper Intermediate - Daily Life - The Argument
    148-Intermediate - Paranoid
    149-Elementary - Daily Life - Moving
    150-Elementary - The Weekend - Bug Spray
    151-Advanced - Global View - Darwin's Theory Of Evolution
    152-The office - The Office - Cut It Out
    153-Upper Intermediate - Homesick
    154-Elementary - The Weekend - Rock Band
    155-Intermediate - The Weekend - Bachelor Party
    156-Advanced Media - The Weekend - Scary Story
    157-Elementary - The Weekend - Trick Or Treat
    158-Elementary-Global View - All Saints Day
    159-Intermediate - Daily Life - Getting Flowers
    160-Upper Intermediate - Global View - Health Insurance
    161-Intermediate - Daily Life - Computer Games
    162-Elementary - Global View - Veteran's Day
    163-Intermetiate - Global View - Social Security
    164-Advanced - Daily Life - Apology Letter
    165-Intermediate - Daily Life - Asking For A Loan
    166-Intermediate - Daily Life - Dr. Botox
    167-Elementary - Daily Life - Learning How To Drive
    168-Advance - The Weekend - Cooking A Thanksgiving Dinner
    169-Elementary - The Weekend - Roller Coaster
    170-Intermediate - Daily Life - Wedding Doubts
    171-Upper Intermediate - The Weekend - Buying a Camera
    172-Elementary - Daily Life - Dry Cleaners
    173-Upper Intermediate - The Office - Preparing a Budget
    174-Elementary - The Weekend - Getting a manicure
    175-Upper Intermediate-Global View - New Year, New Promises
    176-Elementary-Daily Life - Heating
    177-Elementary-The Weekend - Decorating a Christmas Tree
    178-Upper Intermediate-Daily Life - Finding the perfect present
    179-Intermediate-The Weekend - Silent Night
    180-Elementary-The Weekend - Jingle Bells
    181-Intermediate-Daily Life - Christmas Day
    182-Intermediate-Global View - Boxing Day
    183-Elementary-Daily Life - Winter Clothes
    184-Elementary-Daily Life - Fresh Start
    185-Elementary-The Weekend - Farm Animals
    186-Upper Intermediate-The Office - Business Plan
    187-Intermediate-Daily Life - Going On A Diet
    188-Elementary-The Office - Asking For A Raise
    189-Intermediate-Daily Life - Buying A New Mobile Phone
    190-Elementary-The Weekend - Family Barbecue
    191-Elementary-Global View - Daylight Savings Time
    192-Upper Intermediate-Global View - Natural Disasters
    193-Upper Intermediate-Daily Life - Building Your Dream Home
    194-Intermediate-The Weekend - Stir Fry
    195-Elementary-Global View - Job Hunting
    196-Intermediate-Daily Life - Going To The Tailor
    197-Elementary-Global View - Calling 911
    198-Upper Intermediate-Daily Life - Applying CPR
    199-Intermediate-Global View - Learning About First Aid
    200-Elementary-Daily Life - Junk Food
    201-Intermediate-Daily Life - At The Post Office
    202-Elementary-The Weekend - Asking For Directions
    203-Elementary-Daily Life - Calling Tech Support
    204-Intermediate-Global View - Understanding a Trial
    205-Upper Intermediate-The Office - Closing The Deal
    206-Elementary-Daily Life - Talking To Your Roommate
    207-Intermediate-Daily Life - Shopping Online
    208-Upper Intermediate-Global View - Understanding The Stock Market
    209-Elementary-Daily Life - Office Gossip
    210-Intermediate-Daily Life - Meeting the In-laws
    211-Elementary-The Weekend - Playing Board Games
    212-Upper Intermediate-Global View - Last Will And Testament
    213-Elementary-Daily Life - Funeral Arrangements
    214-Intermediate-Daily Life - Describing Personalities
    215-Intermediate-The Weekend - At the Deli
    216-Elementary-Daily Life - Health Food
    217-Intermediate-Global View - Volunteering
    218-Upper Intermediate-Daily Life - Divorce
    219-Elementary-Global View - Baby Shower
    220-Elementary-Daily Life - New Furniture
    221-Intermediate-Daily Life - Car Trouble
    222-Advanced-Global View - Carbon Footprint
    223-Elementary-Daily Life - Facial Hair
    224-Upper Intermediate-Global View - Crime Scene
    225-Advanced-The Weekend - Planning A Crime
    226-Intermediate-Global View - Fundraiser
    227-Upper Intermediate-Daily Life - Wedding Planning
    228-Elementary-The Weekend - Going to the Beach
    229-Intermediate-Daily Life - Buying Men's Shoes
    230-Elementary-The Weekend - Gardening
    231-Intermediate-Daily Life - Buying Women's Shoes
    232-Elementary-Daily Life - Toys
    233-Upper Intermediate-Global View - Forex
    234-Upper Intermediate-Daily Life - Going to the Doctor
    235-Elementary-The Office - Interview Skills Part 1 - The Introduction
    236-Elementary-Daily Life - Trying To Sleep
    237-Intermediate-Daily Life - Morning Routine
    238-Elementary-Interview Skills Part 2 - Discussing Your Background
    239-Intermediate-The Weekend - Adventure Sports
    240-Elementary-Daily Life - Getting A Pet
    241-Elementary-The Office - Interview Skills 3 - Education Background
    242-Upper-Intermediate-Global View - Learning The Piano
    243-Intermediate-The Weekend - Talking to a Travel Agent
    244-Elementary-The Office - Interview Skills 4 - Talking About Work Experience
    245-Elementary-The Weekend - Getting A Subscription
    246-Intermediate-Daily Life - At The Train Station
    247-Elementary-The Office - Interview Skills 5 - Discussing Reasons For Leaving Previous Position
    248-Elementary-Daily Life - Dinnerware
    249-Upper Intermediate-The Weekend - Making A Sandwich
    250-Elementary-The Office - Interview Skills 6 - Describing One's Strengths
    251-Intermediate-The Weekend - Buying Makeup
    252-Upper-Intermediate-Global View - Contraceptives
    253-Elementary-The Office - Interview Skills 7 - Describing Ones Weaknesses
    254-Elementary-The Weekend - Making Breakfast
    255-Advanced-Global View - The Miracle Of Life
    256-Elementary-The Office - Interview Skills 8 - Discussing Salary and Benefits
    257-Intermediate-Global View - The World Cup
    258-Elementary-Daily Life - You're Grounded!
    259-Elementary-The Office - Interview Skills 9 - Asking For Information About The Position
    260-Intermediate-The Weekend - Guns
    261-Elementary-Daily Life - Describing Someone's Face
    262-Elementary-The Office - Interview Skills 10 - Concluding The Interview
    263-Elementary-Global View - Nationalities
    264-Intermediate-Daily Life - Toothache
    265-Intermediate-The Weekend - Pest Control
    266-Upper Intermediate-Daily Life - Weather Report
    267-Intermediate-Daily Life - Making A Bank Transfer
    268-Upper Intermediate-The Office - Purchasing Manager
    269-Upper Intermediate-The Office - Marketing Plan
    270-Intermediate-Daily Life - Buying A Suit
    271-Elementary-The Office - Presentation Series 1 - The Overview and the Agenda
    272-Intermediate-Daily Life - Getting A Nanny
    273-Intermediate-The Weekend - The Zodiac and Horoscopes
    274-Intermediate-The Office - Presentation Series 2 - Talking about numbers, charts and graphs
    275-Elementary-Daily Life - Kitchen Appliances
    276-Elementary-Daily Life - Telephone Services
    277-Intermediate-The Office - Presentation Series 3 - Making Comparisons
    278-Intermediate-Global View - At The Car Dealership
    279-Upper Intermediate-Global View - Drugs
    280-Intermediate-The Office - Presentation Series 4 - Discussing the Competition
    281-Elementary-The Weekend - Breaking Up
    282-Advanced-Global View - Physics
    283-Intermediate-The Office - Presentation Series 5 - Deferring Questions
    284-Upper Intermediate-Daily Life - Tune Up
    285-Elementary-Daily Life - Handyman
    286-Intermediate-The Office - Presentation Series 6 - Addressing the Audience
    287-Intermediate-Daily Life - High School Reunion
    288-Elementary-The Weekend - Getting A Tattoo
    289-Intermediate-The Office - Presentation Series 7 - Handling Technical Problems
    290-Upper Intermediate-The Weekend - Buying Jewelery
    291-Intermediate-Daily Life - Ordering Chinese Food
    292-Intermediate-The Office - Presentation Series 8 - Common Presentation Mistakes
    293-Advanced Media-Advanced Media - Cheese Lovers
    294-Elementary-Daily Life - Picking A University
    295-Intermediate-The Office - Presentation Series 9 - Summary and Conclusion
    296-Elementary-Global View - Vegan Or Vegetarian
    297-Elementary-The Weekend - Ordering At An Italian Restaurant
    298-Intermediate-The Office - Presentation Series 10 - The Q and A Session
    299-Elementary-Daily Life - Returning A Product
    300-Intermediate-Daily Life - Online Dating
    301-Elementary-The Weekend - Vampires
    302-Intermediate-Global View - Phobias
    303-Elementary-Daily Life - Mexican Food
    304-Intermediate-Daily Life - Neat Freak
    305-Elementary-The Weekend - Bowling
    306-Upper Intermediate-The Weekend - Pick Up Lines
    307-Elementary-The Office - Small Talk Series - Showing Interest
    308-Elementary-Daily Life - Boxers and Briefs
    309-Intermediate-Global View - Indian Food
    310-Elementary-The Office - Small Talk 2
    311-Elementary-The Office - Sorry I'm Late
    312-Intermediate-The Weekend - Ordering Drinks
    313-Intermediate-The Office - Small talk 3
    314-Elementary-Daily Life - Making A Collect Call
    315-Upper Intermediate-The Office - Sending A Quote Via Email
    316-Intermediate-Daily Life - Small Talk Series 4 - Discussing Recent Workevents
    317-Advanced-The Office - First Paycheck
    318-Intermediate-Global View - Allergies
    319-Intermediate-Daily Life - Small Talk 5 - Brief Talk With A Stranger
    320-Upper Intermediate-Global View - Taking The GMAT
    321-Intermediate-Global View - Thai Food
    322-Intermediate-The Office - Small Talk 6 - Talking About Yourself
    323-Elementary-Daily Life - Cancelled Flight
    324-Upper Intermediate-Global View - Thanksgiving Dinner
    325-Intermediate-The Office - Small Talk 7 - Talking About A Trip
    326-Elementary-Daily Life - Report Card
    327-Elementary-Daily Life - Buying A Pair Of Jeans
    328-Intermediate-The Office - Small Talk 8 - Talking About Work
    329-Intermediate-Daily Life - Going To The Bakery
    330-Upper Intermediate-The Weekend - Fortune Telling
    331-Intermediate-The Office - Small Talk 9 - Talking About The Weather
    332-Elementary-Daily Life - Setting Up Your Voice mail Message
    333-Upper Intermediate-Global View - Human Anatomy
    334-Intermediate-The Office - Small Talk 10 - General Talk
    335-Elementary-The Weekend - Going To The Playground
    336-Intermediate-Daily Life - Christmas Traditions
    337-Advanced Media-Global View - The Night Before Christmas
    338-Elementary-Daily Life - Having Leftovers
    339-Intermediate-Global View - Parent Teacher Conference
    340-Upper Intermediate-Global View - Happy New Year!
    341-Upper Intermediate-Daily Life - Baking A Cake
    342-Upper Intermediate-Global View - At The Library
    343-Upper Intermediate-Daily Life - Seafood Dinner
    344-Elementary-Global View - Booking A Hotel Room
    345-Intermediate-Daily Life - Working Out
    346-Advanced-Global View - All About Wines
    347-Upper Intermediate-Global View - Immigration and Customs
    348-Elementary-The Weekend - Talking About Skincare
    349-Intermediate-Global View - Chinese Medicine
    350-Elementary-Daily Life - Talking About Relatives
    351-Intermediate-Daily Life - Vaccinations
    352-Upper Intermediate-Global View - The 7 Wonders Of The World
    353-Advanced-Global View - College Life
    354-Upper Intermediate-Global View - Homeschooling
    355-Elementary-Daily Life - Lending Money
    356-Intermediate-Daily Life - Coins and Money
    357-Intermediate--Daily Life - Making A Dinner Reservation
    358-Elementary-Daily Life - Text Me
    359-Intermediate-Global View - E-mail Scam
    360-Upper Intermediate-Global View - Urban Legends
    361-termediate-Daily Life - Fast Food
    362-Upper Intermediate-Daily Life - What Mood Are You In
    363-Intermediate-Daily Life - Living With Your Parents
    364-Intermediate-Daily Life - Hiring Help
    365-Elementary-Daily Life - Household Chores
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      thanks for sharing~~