600 كلمة اساسية للغة الانجليزية مع الصوت 600essential words for the toeic 2nd edition

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  • Saadedin
    Thread Author
    • Sep 2018 
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    كتاب 600 كلمة اساسية لاختبارات اللغة الانجليزية للتواصل الدولي مع الملفات الصوتية للسماع

    لتعليم المفردات اللازمة لامتحان TOEIC في اللغة الإنجليزية - الاصدار الثاني

    كتب + ملفات صوتية MP3

    a 600 essential words for the toeic 2nd edition

    This booklet is provided TOEIC vocabulary needed for TOEIC - Test exam in English for International Communication ( Test of English for International Communication) .

    The book helps you master the basic foundation to understand the special context of a common TOEIC test . Each chapter introduces a specific professional context and new words attached. These words are not from professional, which is the common vocabulary can be used in many different contexts .

    Apart from 50 main lessons and practice , the book also teaches you how to build vocabulary , such as the analysis of elements , identify grammatical patterns , from their identity , create personal dictionaries , writing diary daily reading .

    This is a TOEIC textbooks needed not only for those who attended the TOEIC test , but also those who want to improve their English



