مجموعة توتال انجلش لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية
New Total English

All levels
Year: 2011-2012
Author: Araminta Crace, Richard Acklam
Category: Tutorial
Developer: Pearson-Longman
Publisher: Pearson-Longman
Language Courses: English
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Number of pages: 151 + 167 + 163 + ...
Audio codec: MP3
Audio Bitrate: 128 kbps
Description: The new edition of the famous courses Total English by Pearson-Longman
From the description on the website of the publisher: A new edition of a popular course that meets the most advanced requirements of teachers and students. The widest range of components allows you to use this course as a traditional academic format as well as in the audience, which uses modern multimedia technology. · More than 50% of new texts and tasks · The new material for the section Writing Bank · A new DVD of bank jobs disk Active Book · Pronunciation Bank allows you to hear the correct pronunciation of each module active vocabulary · MyTotalEnglishLab makes it possible to carry out training and assess the results in online, the teacher can at any time to see the results of their students · New Total English Active Teach allows you to view videos or subtitles, or without them (at the discretion of the teacher), to actively work with the texts of videos, use of classroom materials and additional jobs posted on the disk. · The Total English Vocabulary Trainer helps students learn vocabulary and activate each module. · Additional materials online include video, in which the authors talk about the course, regularly updated and the development of additional tasks to them, as well as the correlation of the CMD with the European scale. (Note: The list in this description in the distribution there is not all!)
Content: Starter: Audio CD Students' book ISBN 978-1-4082-6721-9 Video clips (New!) Wordlist (New!) Elementary: Audio CD Students' book (ISBN 978-1-4082-6716-5) Video clips (New!) Teacher's CD Workbook Audio CD Pre-intermediate: Workbook + Audio CD (ISBN 978-1-4082-6730-7) Audio CD Students' book (ISBN 978-1-4082-6720-2) Video clips Teacher's CD Intermediate: Workbook + Audio CD (ISBN 978-1-4082-5503-2) Audio CD Students' book (ISBN 978-1-4082-6718-9) Video clips Teacher's CD (ISBN 978-1-4082-6727-1) Teacher's Book (ISBN 978-1-408-26727-1) (New!) Upper-intermediate: Workbook + Audio CD (ISBN 978-1-4082-5498-1) (New!) Audio CD Students' book (ISBN 978-1-4082-6724-0) Video clips Teacher's CD (ISBN 978-1-4082-6730-1) Teacher's Book (ISBN 978-1-4082-6730-1) (New!) Advanced: (New!) Audio CD Students' book (ISBN 978-1-4082-6714-1) Video clips Workbook Audio CD

Upper intermediate

Screenshots Student's' book

Upper intermediate

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