Anki Deck: SuperMemo UX - Extreme English 2010
Year / Release Date: 2016
Publisher: SamIzdat
Course language: English
Developer: ufff
Format: apkg

Number of cards: 27860 (2226 + 9843 + 9766 + 6025) + 4281 (399 + 3422 + 460)
System requirements: ANKI: * - the program for which the deck was created (free from the official site). Anki is a program for memorizing words, expressions and other information using the spaced repetition memorization technique.
Description: Cloze deletion cards based on Super Memo UX - Extreme English decks for Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Proficiency courses. Each card contains audio with word pronunciation and definition (British English). Some cards have pictures. Also, for most of the words from the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary 8th Ed, British and American transcriptions have been added (there are sometimes "too many" of them - check with the dictionary).
Add. information: Cards were generated on the basis of resources extracted using the smux-anki-converter utility (github), with the combination of information from different types of cards into one + added pictures. There is only one type of card left: Cloze cards.
Size: 1.11 GB
Year / Release Date: 2016
Publisher: SamIzdat
Course language: English
Developer: ufff
Format: apkg

Number of cards: 27860 (2226 + 9843 + 9766 + 6025) + 4281 (399 + 3422 + 460)
System requirements: ANKI: * - the program for which the deck was created (free from the official site). Anki is a program for memorizing words, expressions and other information using the spaced repetition memorization technique.
Description: Cloze deletion cards based on Super Memo UX - Extreme English decks for Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Proficiency courses. Each card contains audio with word pronunciation and definition (British English). Some cards have pictures. Also, for most of the words from the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary 8th Ed, British and American transcriptions have been added (there are sometimes "too many" of them - check with the dictionary).
Add. information: Cards were generated on the basis of resources extracted using the smux-anki-converter utility (github), with the combination of information from different types of cards into one + added pictures. There is only one type of card left: Cloze cards.
Size: 1.11 GB