Oxford Team 1,2,3

Learning Foreign Languages Courses

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    كتب صوتية لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية ثلاثة مستويات

    المستوى الاول

    Norman Whitney, Liz Driscoll - Oxford Team 1 (Student's Book, Workbook, Tests, Audio) 2010, PDF, MP3, ENG

    Year: 2010

    Author: Norman Whitney, Liz Driscoll

    Category: Linguaphone course

    Publisher: Oxford University Press

    Language Courses: English

    Format: PDF

    Quality: Scanned pages

    ISBN: 9780194380720

    Audio codec: MP3

    Audio Bitrate: 80 kbps

    Oxford Team - communicative course aimed at learning and using language in real situations; It has been specifically designed to meet the interests of teachers and students.

    Each level consists of 12 chapters and is designed for 90-120 hours.

    At the heart of the complex is training in all aspects of speech activity:

    Reading: texts of various genres and scope, content and interesting modern adolescents;

    email: a clear statement of the job, plenty of preparatory exercises and sample texts;

    Listening: the original recording in the format of the exam tasks;

    speaking: how to develop skills of dialogue and monologue speech; equal attention is paid to the fluency and accuracy of statements.




    المستوى الثاني

    Oxford Team 2

    Year: 2006

    Author: Norman Whitney

    Genre: Linguaphone course

    Publisher: Oxford University Press

    Audio format: mp3

    Audio quality: 320 kbps

    Book Format: mp3

    The quality of books scanned pages

    ISBN: 978 589 973 08 94

    Language English

    Description: «Oxford Team!» - Communicative course that teaches how to use the language in real situations.

    A new course that has been written by the author of the successful Open Doors series. In it he has combined the best in traditional and modern methodology to create a book which both teachers and students will find enjoyable and easy to use.

    Motivating for young students.

    Students will love the exciting adventure story at the beginning of each unit which provides a lively introduction to the new grammar and vocabulary.

    The course presents a wide variety of up-to-date topics that are of real interest to young students, such as sports, hobbies, animals, films, and computers.

    All the exercise types are designed to appeal to young students, and each unit ends with a motivating song that revises and consolidates the new language of the unit




    المستوى الثالث

    Norman Whitney, Liz Driscoll, Jenny Quintana - Oxford Team 3 (Cassette 1) MP3 256kbps CassetteRip 2009

    Year: 2009

    Author: Norman Whitney, Liz Driscoll, Jenny Quintana.

    Genre: a language course

    Publisher: Oxford University Press

    Language English

    Format: mp3

    Quality: 256kbps

    ISBN: 978-0-19-437987-8

    Description: «Oxford Team!» - Communicative course that teaches how to use the language in real situations

    The course is designed for a large number of hours and pays a significant role grammar. The textbook consists of 12 chapters, each of which is divided into 4 parts. Each section begins from «Presentation Story», which is presented as an exciting journey of children, including new words and grammatical structures section

    The texts of the textbook reveal a common theme in this section relate to such areas of life of children, the use of computers, the world-famous films, the life and achievements of athletes with the traditions and life conditions of children studying in Britain, the US and other countries. Types of reading assignments correspond to those which are used in the tests mizhnarodnyh FCE, IELTS and so on. Exercises to work with vocabulary and grammar (text, dialogue, listening, and others.) Filed in different contexts. Sections are devoted to writing, starting with the text model that children read, analyze, are working, and then filled with sample text

    Writing Tips! help to prevent errors. The book for the teacher accommodates the development of lessons, 15 tests, additional information and reference.

    Extras. Info: This is a digitized tape №1 of course "Oxford Team 3



