كورس شهادة المتقدمين باللغة الانجليزية 5 اسطوانات فقط ( الاسطوانة رقم 3 ناقصة )
Certificate In Advanced English 1-6 With Answers - Book+Audio CDs

Year: 2008
Author: Cambridge University Press
Publisher: CUP
Language Courses: English
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Number of pages: 192 6 *
CAE1 - 978-0-521-714426
CAE2 - 978-0-521-714464
CAE3 - 0-521-79767
CAE4 - 0-521-65651-6 and 0-521-65652-4
CAE5 - 0-521-75442-9 and 0-521-75439-9
CAE6 - 13-978-0-521-61373-6
Audio codec: MP3
Audio Bitrate: 64 kbps,
CAE (Certificate in advanced English) - English exam designed and conductive unit ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) University of Cambridge. Developed and first introduced in 1991. The certificate corresponds to the level C1 of the Council of Europe's scales. It is the "intermediate" between the FCE exam and CPE. The certificate is not limited
Cambridge University Press is the only official publisher of past papers from Cambridge ESOL. These official papers provide candidates with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with the updated content and format of the CAE examination, introduced in December 2008. Attractive colour visual material for Paper 5 is included with each test, enabling students to prepare thoroughly for the paired interview. A 'with answers' edition also contains a comprehensive section of keys, transcripts of the recorded material, a guide to each paper and an insight into marking procedures and grading, with sample answers, making it ideal for self-study. An Audio CD set containing the recorded material for the aural component of the exam (Paper 4) is also available
Key Features of this Title
Cambridge University Press is the only official publisher of exam papers from Cambridge ESOL, making these the best practice materials available for your students.
Contains a helpful overview of the CAE exam which familiarises students with what to expect in the exam.
The Student's Book with answers contains a comprehensive key, recording scripts, model compositions and guidance on the speaking test, so the material is suitable for class or self-study use.
Contains photocopiable answer sheets so students can practise transferring their answers within the time allowed
Author: Cambridge University Press
Publisher: CUP
Language Courses: English
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Number of pages: 192 6 *
CAE1 - 978-0-521-714426
CAE2 - 978-0-521-714464
CAE3 - 0-521-79767
CAE4 - 0-521-65651-6 and 0-521-65652-4
CAE5 - 0-521-75442-9 and 0-521-75439-9
CAE6 - 13-978-0-521-61373-6
Audio codec: MP3
Audio Bitrate: 64 kbps,
CAE (Certificate in advanced English) - English exam designed and conductive unit ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) University of Cambridge. Developed and first introduced in 1991. The certificate corresponds to the level C1 of the Council of Europe's scales. It is the "intermediate" between the FCE exam and CPE. The certificate is not limited
Cambridge University Press is the only official publisher of past papers from Cambridge ESOL. These official papers provide candidates with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with the updated content and format of the CAE examination, introduced in December 2008. Attractive colour visual material for Paper 5 is included with each test, enabling students to prepare thoroughly for the paired interview. A 'with answers' edition also contains a comprehensive section of keys, transcripts of the recorded material, a guide to each paper and an insight into marking procedures and grading, with sample answers, making it ideal for self-study. An Audio CD set containing the recorded material for the aural component of the exam (Paper 4) is also available
Key Features of this Title
Cambridge University Press is the only official publisher of exam papers from Cambridge ESOL, making these the best practice materials available for your students.
Contains a helpful overview of the CAE exam which familiarises students with what to expect in the exam.
The Student's Book with answers contains a comprehensive key, recording scripts, model compositions and guidance on the speaking test, so the material is suitable for class or self-study use.
Contains photocopiable answer sheets so students can practise transferring their answers within the time allowed
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