Glossika Italian Fluency 2016
Campbell M., Fortuna M. Glossika Italian Fluency 2016
Year: 2016
Author: Michael Campbell, Michele Fortuna
Publisher: Glossika Mass Sentences
Course Language: English

ISBN: missing
Format: MP3
Audio quality: 40-47 kkps
Description: Audiokurs Italian. Brochures here. Audio for the two methods of the course: Intensive (GMS) - for students and others who have a lot of time to learn the language, and intense (GSR) - it is designed for busy people who need no more than 20 minutes per day and is designed for 3-4 months of work (each level). Audio for the second method (GSR) is only for levels 1 and 2. Description of the methods of the course can be found in the brochures
Size: 3.38 GB