Teach Yourself Portuguese Grammar

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Teach Yourself Portuguese Grammar

    Year: 2003

    Author: Sue Tyson-Ward

    Genre: Language Learning: Self Study

    Publisher: Teach Yourself Books

    Series: Teach Yourself

    Teaching language: English

    ISBN: 0340847859

    Format: PDF

    Quality: the Scanned pages

    Number of pages: 256

    Teach Yourself Portuguese Grammar is an up-to-date introduction to Portuguese Grammar. It contains both traditional explanations of the most important points of grammar and lively texts and exercises to check comprehension. All linguistic terms are explained in a glossary at the start of the book and all structures are illustrated with examples that are translated into English. You can work through the units from start to finish or dip in and out to practise the areas you need the most.

    There are 46 short units each consisting of

    -a 'Grammar in focus' section, where the language point of the unit is explained with examples;

    exercises to practice what you have learnt;

    a 'Grammar in context' section, where you will find the grammar points illustrated in realistic texts such as dialogues and extracts from authentic material

    'Language watch' sections throughout the book highlight links between Portuguese and English and are full of handy hints to aid your learning.

    The book takes European Portuguese as its standard but major differences in structure or vocabulary in Brazilian Portuguese are highlighted and there is a special section at the end of the book listing some of the most important differences in vocabulary.

    This book will help you to understand and manipulate Portuguese Grammar with confidence because:

    - you need no prior knowledge of grammatical terminology to use it;

    - the approach is accessible and supportive;

    - the examples are clear and in context;

    - exercises help you practise every point;

    - 'Language watch' sections guide you towards a better understanding of how the language works.

    Sue Tyson-Ward is currently a part-time lecturer in Spanish and Portuguese at Lancaster Adult College and Chair of ALL Spanish and Portuguese Committee. She has extensive experience of teaching, examining and writing



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