كتاب قواعد اللغة الدنماركية والقراءة Danish. An Elementary Grammar and Reader

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  • Saadedin
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    السلام عليكم

    كتاب قواعد اللغة الدنماركية والقراءة

    Danish. An Elementary Grammar and Reader

    Year: 1984

    Author: Elias Bredsdorff

    Publisher: Cambridge University Press

    Format: PDF

    Quality: the Scanned pages

    Number of pages: 316

    This course has six parts: 1. A general introduction to written and spoken Danish. 2. A chapter on Danish phonetics. 3. A grammar, arranged by sections under nouns, adjectives, adverbs, etc., with chapters on word-order and word-formation, and including exercises. 4. A section of general information - about money, weights and measures, meals, etc. 5. Twenty-five Danish texts (twenty prose, five poetry) from standard authors for translation into English. 6. Twenty English texts, graded in difficulty, for translation into Danish. No other Danish grammer and reader with this scope and degree of scholarship exists. Mr Bredsdorff has taught in England for a number of years, and most of his pupils have started with no knowledge of Danish. His course has been tried out and proved successful



