كتاب قواعد اللغة الفنلندية Finnish. An essential grammar

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    السلام عليكم

    كتاب قواعد اللغة الفنلندية

    Finnish. An essential grammar

    Year: 2004

    Author: Karlsson Fred / Fred Karlsson

    Category: Directory

    Publisher: Routledge

    Course Language: English

    Format: DjVu

    Quality: the Scanned pages + layer of the recognized text

    Number of pages: 283

    ISBN: 0-415-20705-3This is the perfect grammar guide for learners of Finnish. It provides systematic information structure of the written language, but also demonstrates the features of spoken Finnish language to be used in Helsinki and its suburbs

    Book Finnish: An Essential Grammar is based on the fundamental positions of modern linguistics. The reader is not expected prior knowledge and grammar rules are explained without a specific jargon.

    The features are:

    pronunciation guide

    a thorough description of the morphology and syntax

    conjugation table

    subject index

    Book Finnish: An Essential Grammar revised and expanded edition of a volume first published in 1983, has gained popularity among students and teachers around the world. It has been translated into several languages, including Finnish.

    Fred Karlsson is a Professor in the Department of General Linguistics at the University Helsingskom




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