Easy Learning English v6.0
From the beginner to advanced levels and foreign language fluency.
EASY LEARNING English is a course for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Business covering the EU-Standards A1 to C1.

Language Course with 400 Lessons:
Spoken dialogue interaction with the computer
Learn words by speaking or writing them
Pronunciation training with voice recognition
Intuitive grammar training
Vocabulary Memory Games
Words and sentences linked to reference tools
Topics covering everyday life, travel and business
Additional Focused Learning Tools
Pronunciation trainer with systematic training of all sounds
Conversation trainer with 100 dialogue situations per level
Vocabulary trainer with a flash card method and an individualised list of words
Grammar trainer with 520 special exercises and 250 topics
Strokes Reference Suite including
Complete grammar wıth 250 topıcs
Dıctıonnary with 8000 spoken words and 3200 example sentences
Table of conjugations with 1300 verb
Special Features:
Voice recognition: train dialogues, vocabulary and pronunciation interactively
MP3-Export: Export complete dialogues and words of the dialogues for learning away from the computer
Print function: High quality printout of the lessons with the simultaneous export of relevant audio files
Create lesson plans and set individual priorities