مجموعة كتب لتعليم المفردات باللغة الانجليزية للاطفال
ESL Vocabulary Worksheets

أوراق عمل المفردات لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية للاطفال

With over 500 top quality printable PDF worksheets, this ESL Vocabulary Worksheet E-book is the ultimate timesaver for busy teachers. The exercises best serve teachers of beginner, elementary, pre-intermediate and intermediate levels. There are 62 different vocabulary topics covered that take into account the most commonly taught vocabulary areas in ESL. There over 16 different types of exercises in this ebook. They include among others : i.Crossword puzzles ,ii. Word Search puzzles, iii. Text Mazes – For reading comprehension, iv. Word Scrambles or Jumble, v. Quizzes : multiple choice, true or false, vi. Gap Fill Exercises,vii. Matching Exercises, and more