CSI SAP2000 v22.2.0 build 1663

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    CSI SAP2000 v22.2.0 build 1663 x64

    CSI SAP2000 is a 3D static and dynamic finite element analysis and structure design system.

    SAP2000 follows principles, the main features of which are a modern, intuitive and versatile user interface based on a unique computational kernel and structural design tools for engineers developing transport infrastructure, industrial and civil buildings, sports facilities and other facilities.

    From a 3D object-oriented modeling workspace to the broadest range of structural analysis and design options seamlessly integrated into one powerful user interface, SAP2000 is the most integrated, powerful and practical general purpose computing suite on the market today. The intuitive interface allows you to create structural models in no time without a long learning curve. Today you can use SAP2000 for all of your calculation and design tasks, including small daily tasks.

    Complex models can be generated and broken down into finite elements using built-in templates. Integrated structural design tools are able to automatically generate wind, wave, vehicle and seismic loads on the model, as well as perform full automatic verification of steel and reinforced concrete elements according to design codes of different countries.





      جزاك الله كل خير أخي الغالي

        جزاك الله كل خير أخي الغالي

          جزاك الله خيرا

            جزاك الله خيرا وبارك الله فيك

              Thanks a lot for these programs

                جزاكم الله خيرا

                  الله يجزاك الخير

                    Thanks for the effort, please give us an explanation about how to install and activate! Thanks in advance

                      شكرا لك اخي

                        try it

                        1-run the installation wizard with no standalone license option
                        2-run the patch file to generate the "lservrc" file
                        3-past the files lservrc, SentinelRMSCore.dll, SentinelRMSCore.ni.dll to the following folders
                        a- installation directory
                        b- installation directory\CSiLicensing
                        4- run C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe as administrator
                        5- in the console write the following
                        b- cd Microsoft.NET
                        c- cd Framework64
                        d- cd v4.0.30319
                        e- ngen uninstall SAP2000
                        6- run sap2000 and enjoy

                          Dear Moss 2000

                          i have question that in the readme.txt note that
                          Note 0 : allow allow program to acess the internet otherwise program will not even start1.
                          This means we shall block the program acees the internet or not block?
                          ?can you advise

                          "In your suggest method, you run and copy the patch file befor "ngen uninsta;ll SAP2000"
                          This is different from the readme.txt file that said uninstall first, and then patch
                          gis this difeerence step impact to the runnin?

                            Originally posted by Moss2000 View Post
                            try it

                            1-run the installation wizard with no standalone license option
                            2-run the patch file to generate the "lservrc" file
                            3-past the files lservrc, SentinelRMSCore.dll, SentinelRMSCore.ni.dll to the following folders
                            a- installation directory
                            b- installation directory\CSiLicensing
                            4- run C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe as administrator
                            5- in the console write the following
                            b- cd Microsoft.NET
                            c- cd Framework64
                            d- cd v4.0.30319
                            e- ngen uninstall SAP2000
                            6- run sap2000 and enjoy
                            Thanks a lot man, I will try it and keep you tuned

                              Thanks for the effort