Affinity Publisher

Human Resources and Accounting

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Affinity Publisher (x64) Multilingual

    Think you know publishing software? Think again. Optimized for the latest tech on Windows, Mac and iPad—and chosen by Apple as its Mac App of the Year—Affinity Publisher is the next generation of professional page layout software. From books, magazines and marketing materials to social media templates, website mock-ups and more, this incredibly smooth, intuitive app gives you the power to combine your images, graphics and text to make beautiful layouts ready for publication.

    Create killer layouts for any project
    Digital or print, simple or complex, there’s everything you need to create the perfect layout.

    Bring your text to life in creative new ways
    Flow text along a path, link styles across all your pages, add artistic text, unique decorations, drop caps or more to make your typography stand out.

    Make a lasting impression
    Prepare memorable research papers and portfolios, or produce striking visual presentations, CVs/résumés and detailed reports.

    Collaborate like never before
    Package your document alongside all used image and font resources before transferring to a colleague, or collate multiple files to create one large document like a book or annual report.

    Produce the most ambitious, content-rich combination designs
    Pull in raster or vector assets from multiple sources. Link or embed images with full resource manager. Float graphics. Pin in line with text. Place PSD, AI, PDF, JPG, TIFF, DWG or Affinity files.

    Merge documents from external data sources
    Swiftly integrate text and image links into your document by merging from any Text/CSV, JSON or Excel files. Perfect for creating certificates, business cards, badges, tickets, form letters, envelopes and catalogs.

    Incredibly professional output every time, for both digital and print
    Take control of your colors with Pantone support, end-to-end CMYK and ICC color management. Set overprint controls and add bleed. Get live warnings for possible errors. Add trim, crop marks and more.

    Experience an unmatched workflow
    If you own the other apps in the suite, you can instantly switch to the photo editing features of Affinity Photo and precise vector tools of Affinity Designer without ever leaving Publisher. It’s the most fluid workflow ever conceived. Seriously.

    File size: 534 MB



  • Saadedin
    Thread Author
    • Sep 2018 
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    Affinity Publisher (x64) Multilingual

    • No.9
      Gold VIP
      • Dec 2018 
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      بارك الله فيك يا سعد الدين وجزاكم الله خيرا

      كل ما ابحث عن برنامج بلاقيك منزله تسلم يا كبير

      • Saadedin
        Saadedin commented
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        حياك الله أخي العزيز
        أسعدتني جدا بمرورك الكريم