WinRaR AIO 6.00 Final نسخة مفعلة وبتنصيب عادي او صامت للنواتين 32 و64 بت

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            اخر اصدار وبتنصيب صامت للنواتين 32 و64 بت

            WinRaR AIO 5.70 Final

            البرنامج الاشهر في ضغط الملفات

            يقوم الكثير من مستخدمي أجهزة الحاسوب بالبحث عن احد الملفات أو البرامج على شبكة الانترنت , وبعد بحث وجهد طويل يجد هذه الملفات مضغوطة ويعجز عن فك الضغط عنها , وهناك الكثير من برامج فك الضغط عن الملفات , ولكن ليس كل هذه البرامج ذات فاعلية أو تستطيع فك كل ملفات الضغط , أو قد يكون استخدام هذه البرامج صعب على المستخدم .ولذلك هناك برنامج رائع وذو ميزات رائعة وسهل الاستخدام , وهو برنامج هام لكل مستخدمي الكمبيوتر ,وهو برنامج وينرار WinRAR الذي يعتبر من اقدام برامج فك وضغط الملفات وأكثرها انتشارا , نظرا لأهميته وفاعليته الكبيرة , وهو برنامج سهل الاستخدام يقوم على فكرة ضغط الملفات وتقليل حجمها بهدف حمايتها من الفيروسات , بجانب قدرته الهائلة على فك الضغط عن أي ملف , وهو يدعم العمل على كافة أنظمة ويندوز وأيضا نظام ليونكس , ونظام ماكنتوش , ونظام FreeBSD , ويتميز بدعم اللغة العربية .

            البرنامج من تجميعي ! نسخة كاملة وبتنصيب صامت لا تحتاج لكراك او سريال او باتش. فقط ثبث البرنامج وتمتع بالنسخة الكاملة

            WinRAR is a powerful archive manager. It can backup your data and reduce the size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format.
             Version 5.70

             Version 5.70     1. "Files to process" option on "Time" page of archiving dialog       allows to choose files based on modification, creation or last access       file time. Previously it was possible for modification time only.        2. Command line -ta, -tb, -tn, -to switches accept 'm', 'c' and 'a'       modifiers after the switch name. So file time conditions can include       not only the file modification time as in previous versions,       but also creation and last access time.        Such switch can include multiple modifiers to set the same date       for all specified times. For example, -tamc20190215 will process files       modified and created after 2019-02-15.               New 'o' modifier permits to switch from AND to OR logic,       so -tamco20190215 includes files modified or created after 2019-02-15.       It is also allowed to specify several time filtering switches       with different dates in the same command line, like:       -taco20190201 -tbmo20190210        Switches -ta and -tn also include files matching the specified date       exactly. Switches -tb and -to exclude such files.     3. WinRAR file list can display creation and last access file times       if they are available.        Creation and last access columns are disabled by default and can be       enabled in "Select file list columns" dialog. This dialog is opened       after right clicking on file list column headers or after pressing       "File list/Files/Columns..." button in WinRAR settings.     4. "Double extensions for archives" and "Archives in subfolders"       options on "Files" page of archiving dialog modify behavior of        "Put each file to separate archive" option.        You can switch between archive names in filename.ext.rar       and filename.rar style with "Double extensions for archives".        You can create a separate archive for every file in selected subfolders       or store the entire contents of every selected folder in separate       archive depending on the state of "Archives in subfolders" option.     5. New -ad1 switch can be used when unpacking multiple archives       recursively, such as 'rar x -r -ad1 arc\*.rar'. It creates       a separate folder for files unpacked from each archive,       but unlike already existing -ad switch, it creates such folders       in each archive folder.     6. If context menu "Extract each archive to separate folder" is applied       to archives from different folders in Windows Explorer "Search results",       subfolders with unpacked files are created in each archive folder.       Previous versions created them all in a folder of right clicked archive.        7. New "File list/List style/Checkboxes" option in WinRAR settings       allows to use checkboxes to select file list items.     8. New "File list/Files/Exact sizes" option in WinRAR settings.        If this option is on, file sizes are always displayed in bytes.       If it is off, sizes are rounded up and use units such as KB or MB.       Smaller files can be still displayed in bytes.     9. If several console RAR are started with -ioff switch, PC is turned off       by RAR copy finished last. Previously this switch was processed       by first finished copy.    10. Read and write buffer size is increased for .iso files.       It can help to improve .iso extraction performance in some cases,       such as for network drives.    11. If "Delete archive" option in extraction dialog is applied to a set       of RAR and REV volumes in volname.part# format, WinRAR will delete       REV volumes as well. Previously only RAR volumes were deleted       keeping REV files intact.    12. If "Delete archive" option in extraction dialog is applied to set       of ZIP volumes with .zip.001, .zip.002, .zip.003 extensions,       WinRAR will delete all ZIP volumes. Previously only .zip.001 volume       was deleted for such volume naming scheme.    13. If we unpack arcname.rar using "Extract to arcname\" Explorer context       menu command and "arcname" file already exists, WinRAR shell extension       will propose "Extract to arcname~1\" instead. Previously this context       menu command attempted to create a folder with same name as already       existing file and failed.    14. If we pack a shortcut file with .lnk extension from Explorer context       menu, .lnk file itself is added to archive. Previous versions added       .lnk file target instead of .lnk file.    15. Windows does not allow executables exceeding 4 GB, so WinRAR issues       an error immediately when attempting to create 4 GB or larger       RAR SFX volumes. Previously WinRAR issued such error only after       creating the first RAR volume.    16. Total extraction progress is displayed for 7z multivolume archives.        Accuracy of 7z total extraction progress is improved.    17. "Find" command "Disks and folders" drop down list has been renamed       to "Search area". Additionally to already existing choices,       it includes a new "Selected items" option restricting search       to files and folders selected in WinRAR file list.    18. "Find" command displays the number of found items in status bar.    19. "Diagnostic messages" window displays archive names in a separate       column to provide the better message visibility for lengthy       archive names.       20. Switch -isnd[-] in command line WinRAR mode allows to override       "Enable sound" option in WinRAR settings. Use -isnd to turn sound       notifications on and -isnd- to turn them off.    21. Nadav Grossman from Check Point Software Technologies informed us       about a security vulnerability in UNACEV2.DLL library.       Aforementioned vulnerability makes possible to create files       in arbitrary folders inside or outside of destination folder       when unpacking ACE archives.        WinRAR used this third party library to unpack ACE archives.       UNACEV2.DLL had not been updated since 2005 and we do not have access       to its source code. So we decided to drop ACE archive format support       to protect security of WinRAR users.        We are thankful to Check Point Software Technologies for reporting       this issue.       22. Bugs fixed:        a) console RAR mixed up source and destination file sizes and times          in the overwrite prompt when updating a file in RAR archive          with -o switch;        b) dragging files from 32-bit applications to 64-bit WinRAR window          did not work;        c) WinRAR Shift+Del command applied to a folder could fail to delete          some its subfolders. This command is used to delete files and folders          permanently instead of moving them to Recycle Bin;        d) folder tree panel could not change folders if archived pathnames          started from path separator, such as in archives created by tar tool          with --absolute-names option;        e) if relative "Path=.\somefolder" was specified in SFX comment          and SFX archive needed to elevate privileges when extracting,          it created 'somefolder\somefolder' instead of 'somefolder';        f) commands modifying an existing RAR4 volume reset the volume number          field to 1. While it did not affect extraction, WinRAR displayed          a wrong volume number for such volumes;        g) fixed a crash when reading a comment from a corrupt RAR file;        h) toolbar in "Find" command "Search results" window was not adjusted          to different toolbar icon sizes properly.


            Big Line


            Big Line

            * * *

            Small Line

            روابط التحميل للنسخة ذات الثثبيث العادي

            - النسخة الانجليزية

            x32 Bit System


            x64 Bit System


            النسخة العربية

            x64 Bit System


            x32 Bit System

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              الوينرار أبو البرامج لا غنى عنه ، جزيل الشكر والتقدير أخي العزيز
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                  جزاك الله خير

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                  • alnaloty
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                    Originally posted by sa222 View Post
                    جزاك الله خير

                    لكن نريد النسخه العربيه لو سمحت
                    تم اضافة تعريب للنسخة الانجليزية وتشتغل كانها نسخة عربية 100%
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                            السلام عليكم مشكور جزاك الله خير واسأل اين التفعيل لنسخة التثبيت العادي؟؟؟
                            • alnaloty
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                              Originally posted by المنتصر عبد الكافي View Post
                              السلام عليكم مشكور جزاك الله خير واسأل اين التفعيل لنسخة التثبيت العادي؟؟؟
                              النسخة مفعلة مسبقا

                              • sa222
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                                Originally posted by alnaloty View Post

                                تم اضافة تعريب للنسخة الانجليزية وتشتغل كانها نسخة عربية 100%
                                شكرا لك وفقك الله