برنامج التسجيل من التلفزيون الى الكمبيوتر ومن ثم الى اسطوانة دفيدي
ويحتوي البرنامج على ادوات هامة لتحويل الصيغ وحرق الملفات على الاسطوانة والتسجيل والقص ومحرر فيديو ومحرر الصور والتقاط الصور من المقاطع وغير ذلك من الميزات للمونتاج
تمت تجربة البرنامج على Win7 X64 بدون مشاكل والصور من جهازي
Honestech TV Plus Gold 4.0
واجهة البرنامج
Version: 4.0
Developer: Honest Technology
Platform: Windows XP
Compatibility with Vista: unknown
Language: English
License: Freeware
Description: 7 programs for recording from the TV tuner on a VCD / SVCD / DVD:
TVR 2.0 - for viewing and recording
Internet Electronic Program Guide
HT VideoEditor 6.1 - video editor
HT MPEG Encoder 7.0 - converter formats
HT Burn DVD 3.2 - for recording DVD and SVCD
Photo Editor and Digital Album - screenshots and slideshows.
Extras. Information: Features
1) Real-time MPEG-1/2 recording and playback
2) Time-shift
3) NTSC and PAL support
4) MTS (Multi-channel TV Sound) support
5) Video CD compliant
6) Automatic channel configuration
7) Automatic recording through advanced scheduling
8) Compression ratio and image quality control through software
9) Built-in MPEG editor
10) Built-in video mail forwarding capability
11) Background recording when PC is in use
12) Full-screen or TV in a window
Developer: Honest Technology
Platform: Windows XP
Compatibility with Vista: unknown
Language: English
License: Freeware
Description: 7 programs for recording from the TV tuner on a VCD / SVCD / DVD:
TVR 2.0 - for viewing and recording
Internet Electronic Program Guide
HT VideoEditor 6.1 - video editor
HT MPEG Encoder 7.0 - converter formats
HT Burn DVD 3.2 - for recording DVD and SVCD
Photo Editor and Digital Album - screenshots and slideshows.
Extras. Information: Features
1) Real-time MPEG-1/2 recording and playback
2) Time-shift
3) NTSC and PAL support
4) MTS (Multi-channel TV Sound) support
5) Video CD compliant
6) Automatic channel configuration
7) Automatic recording through advanced scheduling
8) Compression ratio and image quality control through software
9) Built-in MPEG editor
10) Built-in video mail forwarding capability
11) Background recording when PC is in use
12) Full-screen or TV in a window