السلام عليكم
برنامج لتحويل الفيديو الى AMV و MTV لتشغيلهم على مشغلات MP3/MP4/MTV
وايضا مع امكانية تحرير الفيديو لاضافة الترجمة وميزات اخرى
Apowersoft AMV Converter v3.0.7

Apowersoft AMV Converter Studio is a professional
software for you to convert videos to AMV and MTV
for MP3/MP4/MTV player. In general, the videos
downloaded from online websites like YouTube are
.flv format, so this AMV converter or MTV converter
comes in handy.
* Convert videos to AMV and MTV formats
* Provide a variety of popular video and audio formats
* Have the ability to edit video file and add subtitle
* Support to convert videos in a batch mode
* Compatible with portable devices, like iPhone, iPad, iPod
With it, you are able to play any videos you like on your MP4/MTV player.
حجم البرنامج 23MB
برنامج لتحويل الفيديو الى AMV و MTV لتشغيلهم على مشغلات MP3/MP4/MTV
وايضا مع امكانية تحرير الفيديو لاضافة الترجمة وميزات اخرى
Apowersoft AMV Converter v3.0.7

Apowersoft AMV Converter Studio is a professional
software for you to convert videos to AMV and MTV
for MP3/MP4/MTV player. In general, the videos
downloaded from online websites like YouTube are
.flv format, so this AMV converter or MTV converter
comes in handy.
* Convert videos to AMV and MTV formats
* Provide a variety of popular video and audio formats
* Have the ability to edit video file and add subtitle
* Support to convert videos in a batch mode
* Compatible with portable devices, like iPhone, iPad, iPod
With it, you are able to play any videos you like on your MP4/MTV player.
حجم البرنامج 23MB