soft Xpansion Perfect PDF Converter Multilingual
The core functions of the PDF Creator of the Perfect PDF® product family, for example the PDF creation from within all programs that have a print functionality, the integration in common Microsoft applications and the conversion between PDF and XPS are still available – but much more powerful than ever. The program offers the integration into Windows Explorer, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Visio und Project) and OpenOffice (Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Base, Math).

Convert your documents into PDF – with Perfect PDF 10® Converter
It is possible to create a PDF file out of these applications with just one click. Perfect PDF® 10 Converter allows timesaving PDF creation, in the office or at home, and is the right program for PDF beginners. Further functions are printing and signing of PDF files, features to rearrange the document structure (move, remove, resize and rotate pages) and to annotate PDF documents using text notes, markup or pen.
You can also create PDF documents from text or image files and insert pages from image files or scanned images. A viewer for PDF or XPS files is also included. The integration of common Windows applications and its additional tools for managing your electronic documents make this software much more than just a PDF or printing program. Last but not least, the language switching allows selecting four widespread languages (German, English, French and Italian).
لا تزال الوظائف الأساسية لـ PDF Creator لعائلة منتج Perfect PDF® ، على سبيل المثال إنشاء PDF من داخل جميع البرامج التي تحتوي على وظيفة طباعة ، والتكامل في تطبيقات Microsoft الشائعة والتحويل بين PDF و XPS متاحة - ولكن المزيد أقوى من أي وقت مضى. يوفر البرنامج التكامل في Windows Explorer و Microsoft Office (Word و Excel و PowerPoint و Outlook و Visio und Project) و OpenOffice (Writer ، Calc ، Impress ، Draw ، Base ، Math).
The core functions of the PDF Creator of the Perfect PDF® product family, for example the PDF creation from within all programs that have a print functionality, the integration in common Microsoft applications and the conversion between PDF and XPS are still available – but much more powerful than ever. The program offers the integration into Windows Explorer, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Visio und Project) and OpenOffice (Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Base, Math).

Convert your documents into PDF – with Perfect PDF 10® Converter
It is possible to create a PDF file out of these applications with just one click. Perfect PDF® 10 Converter allows timesaving PDF creation, in the office or at home, and is the right program for PDF beginners. Further functions are printing and signing of PDF files, features to rearrange the document structure (move, remove, resize and rotate pages) and to annotate PDF documents using text notes, markup or pen.
You can also create PDF documents from text or image files and insert pages from image files or scanned images. A viewer for PDF or XPS files is also included. The integration of common Windows applications and its additional tools for managing your electronic documents make this software much more than just a PDF or printing program. Last but not least, the language switching allows selecting four widespread languages (German, English, French and Italian).
Functions - PDF Printer: create PDF files in every application that has print function, via a virtual printer - Create PDF files from text, RTF, XPS or image files or scanned images - Integration in other software packages. - Change the structure of PDF documents - Advanced search function to find text in folders and embedded PDF files, in document properties, bookmarks and annotations - Snapshot, measuring and selection tools, magnifier
System Requirements: - Windows compatible PC, 200 MB HDD - Windows 10, 8.1, 7 or Windows Server 2016, 2012 R2, 2008 R2 (32-bit and 64-bit) - Windows Terminal Server or any kind of remote desktop session can be used with a Local Network License (LNL) only