السلام عليكم
برنامج تحويل صيغ الفيديو الى اشهر الصيغ المستخدمة - يمكنك قراءة التوضيح اول الاسطر من الشرح الانجليزي باسفل الموضوع لمشاهدة الصيغ التي يتعامل معها البرنامج
Apex Video Converter Super v8.18

Apex Video Conv-erter Super v8.-18 Cracked-ARN
-Apex Video Conv-erter Super is -designed to mee-t all your need-s of convert fi-le .It supports- to convert you-r favorite vide-o from AVI, MOV-, QuickTime, MP-EG, WMV, ASF, R-M, RMVB, VCD, D-VD to AVI, MPEG-, VCD, DVD, MOV-, RM, RMVB, WMV-, ASF, iPod, PS-P, 3GP, Xbox, P-PC, PMP, Zune, -Apple TV, iPhon-e, Flash SWF, F-lash FLV, Youtu-be FLV, MP3 Aud-io, WMA Audio, -WAV Audio, MP2 -Audio, GIF Anim-ation and GIF, -BMP EPS, JPG, P-CX, PSD, PDF, T-IFF, WMF, EMF, -PNG, J2K Pictur-e formats Extre-mely fast conve-rsion speed and- friendly user -interface let y-ou convert vide-o files between- many formats w-ith ease.
Altho-ugh converting -a clip from one-
format to ano-ther may seem l-ike a job
addr-essed to more e-xperienced user-s, Apex
Video -Converter Super- boasts a
strai-ghtforward and -well-organized
-interface that -makes everythin-g easy as
Truth is, the -program doesn't- come with
dra-g and drop supp-ort, which mean-s you
have to m-anually add cli-ps to the
conv-ersion list usi-ng the built-in- “Add”
button, -but it still se-rves its purpos-e
pretty well.-
The main and t-he only window -of the app
sho-ws the source v-ideo, the split- span,
frame s-ize, output typ-e and conversio-n
status, but a-lso a bunch of -settings for
th-e output format-.
You can thus -convert your vi-deos to AVI,
MP-EG, MOV, RM, WM-V, iPod, MP4, F-lash, MP3
or v-arious image fo-rmats, such as -GIF,
BMP or JPG-.
Obviously, e-ach of these fo-rmats sports
i-ts very own pac-k of settings, -which
means you- most likely ha-ve to pick
fram-erate, video an-d audio codec, -
resolution and- output folder.-
The conversio-n process goes -blazing fast
an-d Apex Video Co-nverter Super h-as no
problem -to run on any W-indows version -out
there. It -even boasts a p-review window t-o
play the cli-p you wish to c-onvert.
All thi-ngs considered,- Apex Video
Co-nverter Super i-s indeed a hand-y piece
of sof-tware and thank-s to the fact t-hat
it has suc-h a user friend-ly approach, it-
can be safely -used by all typ-es of users,
b-e they beginner-s or more exper-ienced
-· Extreme fast -Conversion spee-d;
· Very Easy -to Use.
· Supp-ort MOV, MPEG, -VCD, DCD,WMV, A-SF,
RM, RMVB, -AVI, DIVX, PPC,- iPod, PSP, 3GP-,
·- Support conver-ting AVI, Divx,- ASF, WMV,
WMA-, MPEG, MOV, QT-, RM, RMVB, fil-e to AVI
witha-llencodeformats-uchas DIVX,
XV-ID, Mircosoft M-PEG-4 etc.
· S-upport converti-ng AVI, Divx, A-SF, WMV,
-MPEG with all e-ncodeformat suc-has VCD
NTSC,MPEG-1sta-ndard,MPEG-2 st-andard
-· Support conve-rting AVI, Divx-, ASF, WMV,
WM-A, MPEG, MOV, Q-T, RM, RMVB, fi-le to WMV
with-all encodeforma-t suchas Window-s
mediavideofo-rLAN/Cable mode-ms
/Broaband e-tc.
· Support c-onverting AVI, -Divx, ASF, WMV,-
wi-thallencode for-matsuch asH261 -/
H262 / H263 -/ MPEG-4 etc.
-· Support conve-rting AVI, Divx-, ASF, WMV,
WM-A, MPEG, MOV, Q-T, file to RMfi-le with
all en-code format suc-h as 150k LAN /- 256k
DSLorCab-le/16K substrea-mfor 28k
· Convert A-VI, Divx, ASF, -WMV, WMA, MPEG,- MOV, QT, RM, R-MVB to iPod.
· -Convert AVI, Di-vx, ASF, WMV, W-MA, MPEG, MOV, -QT, RM, RMVB to- Pocket PC.
· -Convert AVI, Di-vx, ASF, WMV, W-MA, MPEG, MOV, -QT, RM, RMVB to- PSP.
· Conver-t AVI, Divx, AS-F, WMV, WMA, MP-EG, MOV, QT, RM-, RMVB to 3GP. -
· Convert AVI,- Divx, ASF, WMV-, WMA, MPEG, MO-V, QT, RM, RMVB- to Xbox.
· Con-vert AVI, Divx,- ASF, WMV, WMA,- MPEG, MOV, QT,- RM, RMVBto PMP-.
· Support bat-ch files conver-sion.
· Specif-ies start and e-ndposition whil-e convert
Insta-ll Notes
1) Unp-ack
2) Install-
3) Unzip crack-(s) to applicat-ion directory a-nd overwrite.
4-) Reg with any -name/serial
برنامج تحويل صيغ الفيديو الى اشهر الصيغ المستخدمة - يمكنك قراءة التوضيح اول الاسطر من الشرح الانجليزي باسفل الموضوع لمشاهدة الصيغ التي يتعامل معها البرنامج
Apex Video Converter Super v8.18

Apex Video Conv-erter Super v8.-18 Cracked-ARN
-Apex Video Conv-erter Super is -designed to mee-t all your need-s of convert fi-le .It supports- to convert you-r favorite vide-o from AVI, MOV-, QuickTime, MP-EG, WMV, ASF, R-M, RMVB, VCD, D-VD to AVI, MPEG-, VCD, DVD, MOV-, RM, RMVB, WMV-, ASF, iPod, PS-P, 3GP, Xbox, P-PC, PMP, Zune, -Apple TV, iPhon-e, Flash SWF, F-lash FLV, Youtu-be FLV, MP3 Aud-io, WMA Audio, -WAV Audio, MP2 -Audio, GIF Anim-ation and GIF, -BMP EPS, JPG, P-CX, PSD, PDF, T-IFF, WMF, EMF, -PNG, J2K Pictur-e formats Extre-mely fast conve-rsion speed and- friendly user -interface let y-ou convert vide-o files between- many formats w-ith ease.
Altho-ugh converting -a clip from one-
format to ano-ther may seem l-ike a job
addr-essed to more e-xperienced user-s, Apex
Video -Converter Super- boasts a
strai-ghtforward and -well-organized
-interface that -makes everythin-g easy as
Truth is, the -program doesn't- come with
dra-g and drop supp-ort, which mean-s you
have to m-anually add cli-ps to the
conv-ersion list usi-ng the built-in- “Add”
button, -but it still se-rves its purpos-e
pretty well.-
The main and t-he only window -of the app
sho-ws the source v-ideo, the split- span,
frame s-ize, output typ-e and conversio-n
status, but a-lso a bunch of -settings for
th-e output format-.
You can thus -convert your vi-deos to AVI,
MP-EG, MOV, RM, WM-V, iPod, MP4, F-lash, MP3
or v-arious image fo-rmats, such as -GIF,
BMP or JPG-.
Obviously, e-ach of these fo-rmats sports
i-ts very own pac-k of settings, -which
means you- most likely ha-ve to pick
fram-erate, video an-d audio codec, -
resolution and- output folder.-
The conversio-n process goes -blazing fast
an-d Apex Video Co-nverter Super h-as no
problem -to run on any W-indows version -out
there. It -even boasts a p-review window t-o
play the cli-p you wish to c-onvert.
All thi-ngs considered,- Apex Video
Co-nverter Super i-s indeed a hand-y piece
of sof-tware and thank-s to the fact t-hat
it has suc-h a user friend-ly approach, it-
can be safely -used by all typ-es of users,
b-e they beginner-s or more exper-ienced
-· Extreme fast -Conversion spee-d;
· Very Easy -to Use.
· Supp-ort MOV, MPEG, -VCD, DCD,WMV, A-SF,
RM, RMVB, -AVI, DIVX, PPC,- iPod, PSP, 3GP-,
·- Support conver-ting AVI, Divx,- ASF, WMV,
WMA-, MPEG, MOV, QT-, RM, RMVB, fil-e to AVI
witha-llencodeformats-uchas DIVX,
XV-ID, Mircosoft M-PEG-4 etc.
· S-upport converti-ng AVI, Divx, A-SF, WMV,
-MPEG with all e-ncodeformat suc-has VCD
NTSC,MPEG-1sta-ndard,MPEG-2 st-andard
-· Support conve-rting AVI, Divx-, ASF, WMV,
WM-A, MPEG, MOV, Q-T, RM, RMVB, fi-le to WMV
with-all encodeforma-t suchas Window-s
mediavideofo-rLAN/Cable mode-ms
/Broaband e-tc.
· Support c-onverting AVI, -Divx, ASF, WMV,-
wi-thallencode for-matsuch asH261 -/
H262 / H263 -/ MPEG-4 etc.
-· Support conve-rting AVI, Divx-, ASF, WMV,
WM-A, MPEG, MOV, Q-T, file to RMfi-le with
all en-code format suc-h as 150k LAN /- 256k
DSLorCab-le/16K substrea-mfor 28k
· Convert A-VI, Divx, ASF, -WMV, WMA, MPEG,- MOV, QT, RM, R-MVB to iPod.
· -Convert AVI, Di-vx, ASF, WMV, W-MA, MPEG, MOV, -QT, RM, RMVB to- Pocket PC.
· -Convert AVI, Di-vx, ASF, WMV, W-MA, MPEG, MOV, -QT, RM, RMVB to- PSP.
· Conver-t AVI, Divx, AS-F, WMV, WMA, MP-EG, MOV, QT, RM-, RMVB to 3GP. -
· Convert AVI,- Divx, ASF, WMV-, WMA, MPEG, MO-V, QT, RM, RMVB- to Xbox.
· Con-vert AVI, Divx,- ASF, WMV, WMA,- MPEG, MOV, QT,- RM, RMVBto PMP-.
· Support bat-ch files conver-sion.
· Specif-ies start and e-ndposition whil-e convert
Insta-ll Notes
1) Unp-ack
2) Install-
3) Unzip crack-(s) to applicat-ion directory a-nd overwrite.
4-) Reg with any -name/serial