السلام عليكم
برنامج لتسجيل الصوت من مواقع الانترنت مثل المحاضرات والاذاعات والصوتيات بشكل عام
Abelssoft BeatStar 2018 v2.01

Store and record every earwig from the Internet radio with one click. BeatStar finds and plays Internet radio via mouse click - no running costs. Record music from Internet radio stations via mouse click and save it? No problem with BeatStar! Thanks to a modern overview of genres you are able to explore the huge range of Internet radios intuitively and playfully
برنامج لتسجيل الصوت من مواقع الانترنت مثل المحاضرات والاذاعات والصوتيات بشكل عام
Abelssoft BeatStar 2018 v2.01

Store and record every earwig from the Internet radio with one click. BeatStar finds and plays Internet radio via mouse click - no running costs. Record music from Internet radio stations via mouse click and save it? No problem with BeatStar! Thanks to a modern overview of genres you are able to explore the huge range of Internet radios intuitively and playfully