السلام عليكم
برنامج معالج الصوتيات بالعديد من الأدوات لفلترة الصوت والقص والمرشحات وبواجهة رسومية مميزة
Diamond Cut Audio Restoration Tools 10.07

برنامج معالج الصوتيات بالعديد من الأدوات لفلترة الصوت والقص والمرشحات وبواجهة رسومية مميزة
Diamond Cut Audio Restoration Tools 10.07

DCart10 is the next step in audio processing evolution. With DCart10, we have added to, and enhanced the existing tools you know and love and we have made the much easier to find and use. A new Graphical User Interface provides a very intuitive way to interact with the power of the classic Diamond Cut tools. A new set of task panes steers the user to the correct solution based on their audio goal. Additionally, it incorporates many new descriptive presets for the various filters. Tasks that may have been difficult to accomplish in the past are now easily approachable with new features.
New DCart 10 Features
Ease of Use
Tasks Pane feature guides you to the correct filter
Updated GUI Appearance
VST Hosting (VST Plug-in Support)
Waveform Overview for quickly getting around in a file
Tabbed display or traditional multi window view
Larger and completely configurable toolbar Icons
One-Click Switch between Fast & Classic Edit Mode
Improved tracking of all editing functions in classic editing mode between source and destination files
Customizable Keyboard Accelerators
Customizable Application Look
Quick access to Spectrogram or Histogram views from the main window
Changed the software application “look” to follow various flavors of Windows
Paste Interpolate Icon button for easy waveform interpolation when working with tablet computers.
Additions and Improvements to existing features
Wind Noise Filter
VST Hosting (Up to 6 VST Plug-ins at a time)
AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) compressed audio file support added for file extensions such as .aac, .m4a, etc.
Improved the audio quality of the Stretch and Squish (pitch and tempo change) system.
Low Frequency Shelf option added to the Paragraphic EQ.
Over 2,000 Descriptive Factory Presets are now provided for ease in “getting started” with any given function.
Sampling Rate support extended from 192 kHz up to as high as 210 kHz providing up to 100 kHz Bandwidth capability.
Set New Start Time for File feature added.
Set a file Time offset for tracking time in multipart files
Added offset capability to the overtone and sub-harmonic synthesizer filters for a more natural sound.
Added “Delete All Filters” right menu option to the Multifilter
Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10
New DCart 10 Features
Ease of Use
Tasks Pane feature guides you to the correct filter
Updated GUI Appearance
VST Hosting (VST Plug-in Support)
Waveform Overview for quickly getting around in a file
Tabbed display or traditional multi window view
Larger and completely configurable toolbar Icons
One-Click Switch between Fast & Classic Edit Mode
Improved tracking of all editing functions in classic editing mode between source and destination files
Customizable Keyboard Accelerators
Customizable Application Look
Quick access to Spectrogram or Histogram views from the main window
Changed the software application “look” to follow various flavors of Windows
Paste Interpolate Icon button for easy waveform interpolation when working with tablet computers.
Additions and Improvements to existing features
Wind Noise Filter
VST Hosting (Up to 6 VST Plug-ins at a time)
AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) compressed audio file support added for file extensions such as .aac, .m4a, etc.
Improved the audio quality of the Stretch and Squish (pitch and tempo change) system.
Low Frequency Shelf option added to the Paragraphic EQ.
Over 2,000 Descriptive Factory Presets are now provided for ease in “getting started” with any given function.
Sampling Rate support extended from 192 kHz up to as high as 210 kHz providing up to 100 kHz Bandwidth capability.
Set New Start Time for File feature added.
Set a file Time offset for tracking time in multipart files
Added offset capability to the overtone and sub-harmonic synthesizer filters for a more natural sound.
Added “Delete All Filters” right menu option to the Multifilter
Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10