السلام عليكم اخواني الكرام
في هذا الموضوع اقدم لكم نسخة ويندوز 10 خفيفة جدا وسريعة جدا لأصحاب الاجهزة ذات الامكانات الضعيفة او المتواضعة او المستخدمين الذين لا يحبون التطبيقات الكثيرة التي توجد في ويندوز 10 ولم يتم حذف المتجر store وكذلك التحديثات تعمل بدون مشاكل وتم تفعيل Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 و NET Framework 3.5
لغة النسخة هي اللغة الانجليزية
حجم النسخه 1.1 ميجا فقط
النسخة منقولة من موقع العالمي الشهير للتعديل على نسخ الويندوز : تيم او اس - للافاده وهذا رابط النسخة
تم استبدال الروابط القديمة بروابط لنسخة احدث وهذه روابطها
وسيتم توضيح جميع تفاصيل النسخة اسفل الصور

Windows 10 20H2 (build 19042.844) SuperLite (My Personal Build)
ISO Size: 960 MB UEFI Bootable
Supported Languages: English Only
Architecture: 64 Bit
Edition: Professional Only
For new installation only
- My focus for this build was to remove as much as possible without sacrificing functionality or compatibility for everything I use Windows for.
- Mandatory features: Printer Support and Print Spooler services, Bluetooth, Wifi, Windows Store and applicable services, Windows Update Service (needed for store purposes only in this build) wired xbox 360 controller support, wireless xbox one, and xbox series X controller support, Full 4.8 framework support (for software compatibility), metered connection.
Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor
Hard Disk Space: 8 GB
Graphics card: DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver
Create UEFI bootable USB with rufus tool
Activation: Not activated, but if needed, activator included in ISO's 'Tools' Folder
Power throttling
All Ads
App lookup in store
Automatic maintenance
Download blocking
Error reporting
Action Center
Live Tiles
Security Center
All Modern UI Apps
Internet Explorer
Windows Media Player
Backup and Restore
Tablet PC
Xbox Live Services
Mixed Reality
Network card drivers (just download your own before installing)
added right click context menu for powershell, kill tasks, restart explorer, send to desktop (create shortcut), command prompt normal, and command prompt administrator
Reduced Desktop icon spacing
Increased desktop background image quality
Transparent task bar
added pci express link state power management to power options (recommend set to off to boost pc performance)
Windows notifications and sounds are left enabled
Services Tweaks made to facilitate lower system resource use, and improve overall performance
INCLUDED APPS (located in iso's 'Tools' folder for optional installation):
FireFox 64Bit Installer
Tiny wall firewall
TeamOS Activator
This build was inspired by other lite builds I have used over the years, but recently I found a lite build that was very close to what I want out of my Windows experience, save a few changes and tweaks I would've liked implemented, so I decided to build my own Lite Windows.
Light gaming and retro gaming (emulation)
Audio, video and photo recording, editing, and encoding
Web Surfing
Word Processing
Media Playback (music, movies, anime, etc.) I use MPC-HC for all this
I mainly use handbrake and ffmpeg for video encoding, and the most demanding games I play aren't very, ie. cuphead, age of empires 2, towerfall, streets of rage 4, Ys origin, Ys felghana, Zwei 2, Ys VIII, Rayman Origins and Legends, Dolphin emulator for Wii, PS2, SNES, N64 etc.
Full bluetooth controller support for the XBOX one and the New XBOX wireless controllers, which only became available in the October 2020 update to the newer versions of windows (ver 1903 and up)
Full NET framework 4.8 support, but not 3.5, I use a SCP driver to remap my xiaomi bluetooth gamepads that needs full NET 4.8 framework support.
Directplay Windows feature enabled for original Age of Empires 2 game support.
Microsoft store works, and the intel graphics command center works, was a pain to eventually get working properly.
Metered connection is working if you wish to use it, so windows won't try to download drivers without your consent.
Explorer Quick Access is functional if you choose to show recently used files or folders for rapid access.
This build is meant to be similar to a stock windows 10 experience in look and feel, no custom themes, icons, cursors, sounds, etc.
This version is English language only, and the winSXS folder is cleared so updates are not supported. If people like this SuperLite version, I will upload updated future builds anyways.
** Windows update service is disabled by default, so if you want to download an app from the windows store, just change it to manual in the services tab under windows administrative tools, and apply.
This build is desgined for laptop use, so has mobility center, wifi support, bluetooth support etc.
**SPECIAL NOTE** - Most network card drivers have been removed, I only kept intel WiFi driver, so you'll need to provide your own if it's different, or if using ethernet, so make sure you have it downloaded and on hand if needed before installing this version of Windows.
I am using this exact Windows build on my laptop, and it runs fantastic so far, stable, light, and snappy.