DC 2017.009.20044
April 11th, 2017
- Browser:
- 4171525: IE crashing with Reader DC while acessing ACF application.
- 4183515: Acrobat IE EPM support: User need to sign in again when saving file to Document Cloud.
- 4204963: Acrobat/Reader takes 15-20 seconds to respond to close.
- 4205128: IE Crashes when “Run in AppContainer” is checked and a several refresh/ back/ forward operations are done.
- Scan:
- 4117013: While scanning Size works in inches only, even if acrobat has different unit selected.
- OCR:
- 4161575: Renderable text error is thrown if OCR is run with Searchable Image Exact(SIE) or Searchable Image(SI).
- 4208627,4202367: Acrobat Crashes on OCR certain files and Pages.
- Sandbox:
- 4183095: [PM App Container] Spell Check does not give any suggestion on misspelled words and causes Reader to crash on closing PDF.
- Annotations:
- 4148086: Acrobat showing a lag when scrolling from one comment to another.
- Collaboration:
- 4201373: Authentication window keeps opening up if review was hosted under a subsite and the participant has no access on the subsite.
- Send Mail:
- 4180881: [Outlook 2016 64Bit]: Reader hangs for sometimes after closing the draft mail window.
- Viewer:
- 4192958: Reader crashes when trying to overwrite an offline pdf located in redirected folder.
- 4173755: File remains selected in Recent File List thereby locking it from being edited by other apps
- Compare:
- 4191947: Acrobat throws Out of Memory error while comparing.
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* - 107 MB
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