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Principle 2.0.4 MacOS

MacOSX Apps

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    Principle 2.0.4 MacOSX

    Principle application for Mac OS, which allows the two bills to create an animation of user interface elements and generate its interactive prototype. Whether it's a multi-screen application or simply invented control you, so simple and fast to implement it had not allowed any one service.

    This product - a clever mix between Sketch, Keynote, Flash and After Effects (plus some cool features for interactive prototypes). What struck me at first, all seems very familiar. If you have worked with Sketch, you can easily get a handle on Principle: Inspector, the list of layers, artbordy.

    Easily create a transition from one state to another - this is for me the main thing in this kind of applications. With this in Principle, there are other possibilities that will raise your prototype to a new level.

    This tool has been designed primarily for devices with touch-screen, so it allows you to define a set of interaction types: tap, dragenddrop, scroll, long press.

    animation panel
    What have in common all the articles about animation? They strongly recommend never doing linear animation, because it does not exist in the real world. And here again at a height Principle. By default, each animation is applied easy-in / easy-out effect you can easily reconfigure themselves.

    Driver panel
    To fully understand how this works, it will take time. But deal with it, you can do amazing things with your prototype. Usually the driver is used to scroll or move the event to link multiple items or hang multiple handlers to one element. Say you want to appear overlying layer when you drag the item, or to any member rotates during swipe (in Tinder, Jelly)

    Something else
    Of course, there are many smaller features, such as: masks, text presets, artbordy … And yet, for you dribbblery, there is an automatic export animations in GIF, to share them with fellow designers.

    OS - MacOSX 10.7 or Later

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