Winclone Pro 6.0.4 MacOS

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    السلام عليكم

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    Winclone Pro 6.0.4 MacOSX

    Winclone Pro 6.x | MacOSX | 12 MB

    Winclone 6 is the most complete solution for protecting your Boot Camp Windows system against data loss. Winclone is the most reliable cloning solution when migrating Boot Camp to a new Mac. The all new Winclone Backup feature provides scheduled, incremental snapshots of the Windows User folder for retrieval of earlier versions or deleted data.

    Cloning and restoring Boot Camp

    Incremental, file-based backups

    Migrate external Windows system to Boot Camp

    Shrink Windows file system

    Share Winclone image over network

    Real PC Migration to Boot Camp

    Package-based Boot Camp image deployment

    Backing up data reliably is an essential part of computer maintenance for both disaster and accidental file deletion. In Winclone 5, we make User folder backups reliable, seamless and easy. Just set it and forget it. The combination of periodic cloning with scheduled incremental backups of the Windows User folder ensures a speedy recovery from data loss, even in the worst case scenario. Winclone Backup is included with every edition of Winclone 5.

    Clone, Package, Deploy

    Winclone 5 Pro includes a package installer for managed deployment of Boot Camp to multiple Macs. Winclone packages can be deployed using all the Mac management tools available today. If you can deploy a package, you can deploy a Boot Camp partition.

    System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.8 or later



