SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Physics
SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Physics showcase, in a compact format, topics of current relevance in the field of mathematical physics. Published titles will encompass all areas of theoretical and mathematical physics. This series is intended for mathematicians, physicists, and other scientists, as well as doctoral students in related areas.

Year of publication: 2014-2017
Publisher: Springer
ISSN: 2197-1757
English language
Format: PDF
Quality: Publishing layout or text (eBook)
Interactive Table of Contents: Yes
Size: 35.9 MB
SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Physics showcase, in a compact format, topics of current relevance in the field of mathematical physics. Published titles will encompass all areas of theoretical and mathematical physics. This series is intended for mathematicians, physicists, and other scientists, as well as doctoral students in related areas.

Year of publication: 2014-2017
Publisher: Springer
ISSN: 2197-1757
English language
Format: PDF
Quality: Publishing layout or text (eBook)
Interactive Table of Contents: Yes
Vol. 1 - Tanii Y. - Introduction to Supergravity - 2014 Vol. 2 - Esposito C. - Formality Theory From Poisson Structures to Deformation Quantization - 2015 Vol. 3 - Bischoff M., Kawahigashi Y., Longo R., Rehren K.-H. - Tensor Categories and Endomorphisms of von Neumann Algebras with Applications to Quantum Field Theory - 2015 Vol. 4 - Honda N., Kawai T., Takei Y. - Virtual Turning Points - 2015 Vol. 5 - Tomamichel M. - Quantum Information Processing with Finite Resources. Mathematical Foundations - 2016 Vol. 6 - Hack T.-P. - Cosmological Applications of Algebraic Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes - 2016 Vol. 7 - Benedikter N., Porta M., Schlein B. - Effective Evolution Equations from Quantum Dynamics - 2016 Vol. 8 - Fujii K. - Quantum Computation with Topological Codes - 2015 Vol. 9 - Beenakker W., van den Broek T., van Suijlekom W.D. - Supersymmetry and Noncommutative Geometry - 2016 Vol. 10 - Furusawa A. - Quantum States of Light - 2015 Vol. 11 - Katori M. - Bessel Processes, Schramm–Loewner Evolution, and the Dyson Model - 2016 Vol. 12 - Carinci G., De Masi A., Giardina C., Presutti E. - Free Boundary Problems in PDEs and Particle Systems - 2016 Vol. 13 - Bru J.-B., de Siqueira Pedra W. - Lieb-Robinson Bounds for Multi-Commutators and Applications to Response Theory - 2017 Vol. 14 - Stevens M. - The Kadison-Singer Property - 2016 Vol. 15 - Yeats K. - A Combinatorial Perspective on Quantum Field Theory - 2017 Vol. 17 - Hora A. - The Limit Shape Problem for Ensembles of Young Diagrams - 2016 Vol. 18 - Weiss T., Ferrari P., Spohn H. - Reflected Brownian Motions in the KPZ Universality Class - 2017 Vol. 19 - Brézin E., Hikami S. - Random Matrix Theory with an External Source - 2017