Portable Replace Studio Professional 7.17
Replace Studio Pro is the next generation windows grep utility by Funduc Software.

Dear users! We do not forget about our rights holders!
All portable assembly, designed exclusively for the promotion of the software and can be used for informational purposes only!
After testing the program and decide on the usefulness and necessity of you, this software - you are required! remove the assembly and turn to the developer, to purchase a license for a full version. Good luck!
Replace Studio Pro is a utility that easily searches through text-based files and, if you want, perform replacements with another string. Replace Studio Pro can search in subdirectories and ZIP files. Searching can be configured to be case sensitive or not, based on 'whole words' vs. partial words, and to ignore 'whitespace' or not. Complex file masks and file filters let you further specify which files to process. A built-in context viewer shows search results in the context of the found string. Optionally you can edit the original file directly using the context viewer or easily launch a viewer/editor of your choice.
Replacements in ZIP files can be done on the fly - no need manually extract zip files first. Like our Search and Replace utility, Replace Studio Pro has an extensive repertoire of regular expression functions that let you search or replace using 'wild card' operators. Replace Studio Pro has a 'Favorites' function that lets you save commonly used searches (or replacements) for later use. The main window supports drag n drop from Explorer into the 'File Mask & Path' fields and you can drag n drop files in the Search Results list into Explorer or an external editor that supports drag n drop. The program also has an extension to let you search search one or more files or an entire folder by right clicking in Windows Explorer and selecting 'Replace Studio Pro...'
Replace Studio Pro is intended for interactive use via the program graphical interface. If you need to do fixed operations on many files via command line scripts see Replace Studio Business Edition, which is oriented toward command line functionality via scripts.
Please see a feature matrix for a comparison of our three windows grep utilities - Replace Studio Pro, Replace Studio Business Edition, and Search and Replace.
Note for Search and Replace customers: Installing either of the Replace Studio utilties will not interfere with your exising Search and Replace installation. The three utilities are 100% independent of each other.
Replace Studio Pro runs on Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, & Windows 8. Separate 32-bit and x64 versions are available via downloads below.
Note: As of v 7.8 of Replace Studio Pro the overall program display font face & size can be adjusted via a special program setting. A standalone configuration utility - FSConfig - is available to make it easier to make adjust the setting. See FSConfig or below for download information.
System Requirements
IBM or compatible Pentium/AMD processor (900 MHz or greater), 512 MB RAM or greater. 1024 x 768, 16-bit display (32-bit recommended)
Windows XP, Windows Vista all SP, Windows 7, Work on Windows 10 is POSSIBLE, BUT NOT GUARANTEED!
Language English
Portable Replace Studio Professional 7.17|Packed in VMware ThinApp|Windows(x86/x64)|rar|8.5 mb
Replace Studio Pro is the next generation windows grep utility by Funduc Software.

Dear users! We do not forget about our rights holders!
All portable assembly, designed exclusively for the promotion of the software and can be used for informational purposes only!
After testing the program and decide on the usefulness and necessity of you, this software - you are required! remove the assembly and turn to the developer, to purchase a license for a full version. Good luck!
Replace Studio Pro is a utility that easily searches through text-based files and, if you want, perform replacements with another string. Replace Studio Pro can search in subdirectories and ZIP files. Searching can be configured to be case sensitive or not, based on 'whole words' vs. partial words, and to ignore 'whitespace' or not. Complex file masks and file filters let you further specify which files to process. A built-in context viewer shows search results in the context of the found string. Optionally you can edit the original file directly using the context viewer or easily launch a viewer/editor of your choice.
Replacements in ZIP files can be done on the fly - no need manually extract zip files first. Like our Search and Replace utility, Replace Studio Pro has an extensive repertoire of regular expression functions that let you search or replace using 'wild card' operators. Replace Studio Pro has a 'Favorites' function that lets you save commonly used searches (or replacements) for later use. The main window supports drag n drop from Explorer into the 'File Mask & Path' fields and you can drag n drop files in the Search Results list into Explorer or an external editor that supports drag n drop. The program also has an extension to let you search search one or more files or an entire folder by right clicking in Windows Explorer and selecting 'Replace Studio Pro...'
Replace Studio Pro is intended for interactive use via the program graphical interface. If you need to do fixed operations on many files via command line scripts see Replace Studio Business Edition, which is oriented toward command line functionality via scripts.
Please see a feature matrix for a comparison of our three windows grep utilities - Replace Studio Pro, Replace Studio Business Edition, and Search and Replace.
Note for Search and Replace customers: Installing either of the Replace Studio utilties will not interfere with your exising Search and Replace installation. The three utilities are 100% independent of each other.
Replace Studio Pro runs on Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, & Windows 8. Separate 32-bit and x64 versions are available via downloads below.
Note: As of v 7.8 of Replace Studio Pro the overall program display font face & size can be adjusted via a special program setting. A standalone configuration utility - FSConfig - is available to make it easier to make adjust the setting. See FSConfig or below for download information.
Release New • Added option for special handling for UTF-8 files without BOM. See 'Configuration File' in F1 Help for more information. • Replace Studio Pro only - Added one-use choices in Flags menu to 'Process Clipboard' or 'Process Files'. Process Files is default. Process Clipboard is available for use in lieu of the keyboard shortcuts for clipboard processing (Shift+Ctrl+Search icon or Shift+Ctrl+Replaceicon). • Replace Studio Pro only - Help Menu -> Hold Shift key & click on About opens the configuration file in the file editor associate with .cfg files.
IBM or compatible Pentium/AMD processor (900 MHz or greater), 512 MB RAM or greater. 1024 x 768, 16-bit display (32-bit recommended)
Windows XP, Windows Vista all SP, Windows 7, Work on Windows 10 is POSSIBLE, BUT NOT GUARANTEED!
Language English
Portable Replace Studio Professional 7.17|Packed in VMware ThinApp|Windows(x86/x64)|rar|8.5 mb