قوالب تمبليت السيرة الذاتية CV بالبور بوينت بعدة الوان
Personal CV PowerPoint Template

Personal CV Powerpoint Template - Create your CV as a presentation!
Best way to present yourself and your works in a clean and elegant way. Easy to change colors, modify shapes, texts, charts. All shapes are editable via PowerPoint. This presentation was made it slide by slide, not based on master slides. This is a handcrafted presentation.
PHP Code:
Features :
No Photoshop Required
44 Uniuqe Slides
Dark & Light Version
PPT & PPTX Format
Aspect Ratio 16:9
Animation Slides
Easy customizable contents
Retina ready & Full HD
Help File included
Handcrafted Infographic
All icons and content %100 editable
Professional, Modern, Clean design
Font : Titillium : http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/titillium
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