Practical Web Development: Make Websites Quickly And Easily

English Tutorials and Courses

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  • Usama baZ
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    • Nov 2018 
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    بعد السلام والتحية ,

    نقدم لكم اليوم كورس

    Udemy Practical Web Development Make Websites Quickly And Easily

    دليلك المبسط لتعلم إنشاء المواقع الالكترونية , إعداد السيرفر , حجز الدومين , القوالب الجاهزة , وخلافه....

    مدة الكورس : ساعتين


    معلومات بالانجليزية عن الكورس


    This course is designed for people who want to learn how to quickly make a beautiful website. By the end of this course you will have made a website from start to finish, as well as learned how to use Amazon's AWS service, some basic Unix commands, Github, Ubuntu Server setup, Domain names, and more. People wanting to practice their command line skills will also benefit from this course, as the back-end/server side work is done through Unix.

    You will learn:

    - How websites work

    - How the domain name, ip address, server, and web browser are connected to each other

    - How to clone code from Github

    - The basics of Amazon AWS

    - The basics of Server Administration/Command Line

    - How to modify templates to suit your needs

    - Pointers toward more advanced resources for aspiring web developers

    - And more...

    Topics include:


    Part 1: The Server

    - Introduction to AWS

    - Obtaining a Server

    - Logging into the Server (for Windows)

    - Logging into the Server (for Mac/Linux)

    - Introduction and Installation of Apache HTTP Server

    - Apache Permissions

    Part 2: The Website

    - Cloning a Template from Github

    - Using the Template

    - Copying files from your computer to the server (for Mac/Linux)

    - Copying files from your computer to the server (for Windows)

    - Modifying the Template (pt. 6)

    Part 3: The Domain Name

    - Getting and Setting up a domain name

    Part 4: Conclusion and More Resources

    - Conclusion and More Resources


    ( حجم الكورس :366 ميجا )



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