CSi SAP2000 Structural Analysis Program for Engineers - 1.3GB

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    CSi SAP2000 Structural Analysis Program for Engineers

    What you'll learn
    Understand & Apply Load Combinations and Patterns
    Draw Beams, 2D Frames, and 3D Frames
    Analyze Beams, 2D Frames, and 3D Frames (Shear , Moment Diagrams, etc.)
    Perform Modal Analysis (Free Vibration Analysis)

    CSi SAP2000 Structural Analysis Program for Engineers

    CSI SAP2000 (Structural Analysis Program) is an engineering software that is ideal for analysis and design of structural elements like beams, columns, slabs, trusses, cables, shells, etc.

    What makes SAP2000 used by most engineers around the world is the fact that it's simple and capable at the same time. It can perform basic analysis like shear and moment calculations to time history analysis and dynamic analysis.

    My students, who are engineers and students, have requested from me to do this course for years; and now this course is ready and easy to follow and understand. This course is a basic introduction to the feature of SAP2000 and it dives deep into explaining the steps and options available in this powerful software.

    What to expect from this course:

    After completion of this course, you are expected to be able to draw & analyze beams, frames (2D and 3D), and other complex structures using SAP2000; understand the different load combinations and patterns; and perform modal analysis on 2D Frames.

    Who this course is for:
    Engineering & Architecture Students
    Engineers & Architects on Site

    Size: 1.29 GB


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