السلام عليكم
PerspectiveTools v2.3
اداة صغيره للفوتوشوب لعمل الخطوط الشبكية
Perspective Tools v2 (Photoshop CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015+)
By Sergey Kritskiy
Create perspective and parallel grids in one click, easily transform layers in perspective, unwrap perspective distortion to a plane with PT2!
PerspectiveTools v2.3
اداة صغيره للفوتوشوب لعمل الخطوط الشبكية
Perspective Tools v2 (Photoshop CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015+)
By Sergey Kritskiy
Create perspective and parallel grids in one click, easily transform layers in perspective, unwrap perspective distortion to a plane with PT2!