Win11 Flat Build (Part2)

New Flat is just regular version..iw removed only sec. center, defender and one drive..thats all what is gone..ofcrs stuff like asking u to install crap it is stoped or removed..update is wroking..u need to stop it..coz of that iw add a small tool at u can decrap this build by urself in 5min. (just be sure to run it as admin) some service it is put to manual.. to aplay themes or icons u dont need do a patch no nothing..just install OS and ur good to go. Hope u will like my pick for walls as links at the end of the post..Enjoy
Windows 11 PRO 21H2 10.0.22000.348
Lang. : Multi
Architecture: 64bit
Size: 4.2gb


الموضوع منقول للافادة

New Flat is just regular version..iw removed only sec. center, defender and one drive..thats all what is gone..ofcrs stuff like asking u to install crap it is stoped or removed..update is wroking..u need to stop it..coz of that iw add a small tool at u can decrap this build by urself in 5min. (just be sure to run it as admin) some service it is put to manual.. to aplay themes or icons u dont need do a patch no nothing..just install OS and ur good to go. Hope u will like my pick for walls as links at the end of the post..Enjoy
Windows 11 PRO 21H2 10.0.22000.348
Lang. : Multi
Architecture: 64bit
Size: 4.2gb


الموضوع منقول للافادة