فلتر الفوتوشوب AutoFX DreamSuite Ultimate v1.36 مع الشرح بالفيديو

Plugins for Photoshop & Illustrator

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  • Saadedin
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    بناء على طلب خاص بتوفير فلاتر AutoFX

    من فلاتر الفوتوشوب القديمة ولااعرف ان كان يدعم الاصدارات الحديثة من الفوتوشوب

    هو أداة للرسم التي يمكن أن تعمل كأداة مستقلة او برنامج المساعد لأدوبي فوتوشوب

    في نهاية المطاف هو مجموعة من المؤثرات البصرية القوية التي تسمح لأي شخص، المهنيين او المبتدئين على حد سواء، لخلق صور جميلة والأعمال الفنية بسهولة . وتمكنك من تحقيق نتائج بصرية يصعب أو يستحيل تحقيقها باستخدام أي من البرامج الأخرى. الآن قمنا بإضافة 12 تأثيرات جديدة إلى قاعدة المنتج DreamSuite

    AutoFX DreamSuite Ultimate v1.36

    Great graphic tool that can work as Standalone and Plugin for Adobe Photoshop on Windows. DreamSuite Ultimate is a suite of powerful visual effects that allow anyone, professionals or novices alike, to create beautiful images and artwork. DreamSuite lets you achieve visual results that are difficult or impossible to attain using any other software. Now we have added 12 new effects to the already well established product base to the DreamSuite Series

    DreamSuite Ultimate is a suite of powerful visual effects that allow anyone, professionals or novices alike, to create beautiful images and artwork. DreamSuite lets you achieve visual results that are difficult or impossible to attain using any other software. Now we have added 12 new effects to the already well established product base to the DreamSuite Series. In DreamSuite Ultimate you not only get these brand new artistic effects, you also get all the content formerly in the 3 products known as DreamSuite Bundle. This includes an upgraded version of DreamSuite One, DreamSuite Two, and DreamSuite Gel. We have added several presets for each product of the past as well as the new artistic content. This is the perfect blend of artistic effects for those wating to enhance their digital images like the Masters of Old, as well as the perfect tools for Graphic Artists and Web Designers. Create amazing results with all of your digital images and see what magical expressions you can create with simple, easy to use tools applied to your digital canvas. The DreamSuite series of effects work as a stand-alone application and as an Adobe Photoshop plug-in for Mac and Windows users.

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