Design-Build Project Delivery: Managing the Building Process from Proposal Through Construction
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Design-build is widely recognized as the most profitable method of project delivery for non-residential construction. Design-Build Project Delivery offers real-world examples and advice from a wide variety of industry experts on every aspect of design-build project delivery. Complete with checklists and forms, this is the most practical and comprehensive resource on design-build project delivery available.
English | 372 pages | McGraw-Hill Education; 1st edition (March 8, 2006) | 0071461574 | PDF | 8.8 Mb
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Design-build is widely recognized as the most profitable method of project delivery for non-residential construction. Design-Build Project Delivery offers real-world examples and advice from a wide variety of industry experts on every aspect of design-build project delivery. Complete with checklists and forms, this is the most practical and comprehensive resource on design-build project delivery available.
English | 372 pages | McGraw-Hill Education; 1st edition (March 8, 2006) | 0071461574 | PDF | 8.8 Mb