أفضل 100 خط 100 best font sets from FontShop 2011

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  • Saadedin
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    مجموعة من افضل 100 خط بحسب المصدر طبعا

    100 best font sets from FontShop 2011

    100 best font sets from FontShop 2011

    4000 OTF -- 100 -- 100 Mb

    قائمة الخطوط الموجودة ضمن المجموعة

    List of fonts :

    1. Helvetica [1957 - Max Miedinger]

    2. Garamond [1530 - Claude Garamond]

    3. Frutiger [1977 - Adrian Frutiger]

    4. Bodoni [1970 - Giambattista Bodoni]

    5. Futura [1927 - Paul Renner]

    6. Times [1931 - Stanley Morison]

    7. Akzidenz Grotesk [1966 - G?nter Gerhard Lange]

    8. Officina [1990 - Erik Spiekermann]

    9. Gill Sans [1930 - Eric Gill]

    10. Univers [1954 - Adrian Frutiger]

    11. Optima [1954 - Hermann Zapf]

    12. Franklin Gothic [1903 - Morris Fuller Benton]

    13. Bembo [1496 - Francesco Griffo]

    14. Interstate [1993 - Tobias Frere-Jones]

    15. Thesis [1994 - Lucas de Groot]

    16. Rockwell [1934 - Frank H. Pierpont]

    17. Walbaum [1800 - Justus Walbaum]

    18. Meta [1991 - Erik Spiekermann]

    19. Trinit? [1982 - Bram De Does]

    20. Din [1926 - Ludwig Goller]

    21. Matrix [1986 - Zuzana Licko]

    22. OCR [1965 - American Type Founders]

    23. Avant Garde [1968 - Herb Lubalin]

    24. Lucida [1985 - Chris Holmes / Charles Bigelow]

    25. Sabon [1964 - Jan Tschichold]

    26. Zapfino [1998 - Hermann Zapf]

    27. Letter Gothic [1956 - Roger Roberson]

    28. Stone [1987 - Summer Stone]

    29. Arnhem [1998 - Fred Smeijers]

    30. Minion [1990 - Robert Slimbach]

    31. Myriad [1992 - Twombly & Slimbach]

    32. Rotis [1988 - Olt Aicher]

    33. Eurostile [1962 - Aldo Novarese]

    34. Scala [1991 - Martin Majoor]

    35. Syntax [1968 - Hans Eduard Meier]

    36. Joanna [1930 - Eric Gill]

    37. Fleishmann [1997 - Erhard Kaiser]

    38. Palatino [1950 - Hermann Zapf]

    39. Baskerville [1754 - John Baskerville]

    40. Fedra [2002 - Peter Bil'ak]

    41. Gotham [2000 - Tobias Frere-Jones]

    42. Lexicon [1992 - Bram De Does]

    43. Hands [1991 - Letterror]

    44. Metro [1929 - W. A. Dwiggins]

    45. Didot [1799 - Firmin Didot]

    46. Formata [1984 - Bernd M?llenst?dt]

    47. Caslon [1725 - William Caslon]

    48. Cooper Black [1920 - Oswald B. Cooper]

    49. Peignot [1937 - A. M. Cassandre]

    50. Bell Gothic [1938 - Chauncey H. Griffith]

    51. Antique Olive [1962 - Roger Excoffon]

    52. Wilhelm Klngspor Gotisch [1926 - Rudolf Koch]

    53. Info [1996 - Erik Spiekermann]

    54. Dax [1995 - Hans Reichel]

    55. Proforma [1988 - Petr van Blokland]

    56. Today Sans [1988 - Volker K?ster]

    57. Prokyon [2002 - Erhard Kaiser]

    58. Trade Gothic [1948 - Jackson Burke]

    59. Swift [1987 - Gerald Unger]

    60. Copperplate Gothic [1901 - Frederic W. Goudy]

    61. Blur [1992 - Neville Brody]

    62. Base [1995 - Zuzana Licko]

    63. Bell Centennial [1978 - Matthew Carter]

    64. News Gothic [1908 - Morris Fuller Benton]

    65. Avenir [1988 - Adrian Frutiger]

    66. Bernhard Modern [1937 - Lucian Bernhard]

    67. Amplitude [2003 - Christian Schwartz]

    68. Trixie [1991 - Erik van Blokland]

    69. Quadraat [1992 - Fred Smeijers]

    70. Neutraface [2002 - Christian Schwartz]

    71. Nobel [1929 - Sjoerd de Roos]

    72. Industria [1990 - Neville Brody]

    73. Bickham Script [1997 - Richard Lipton]

    74. Bank Gothic [1930 - Morris Fuller Benton]

    75. Corporate ASE [1989 - Kurt Weidemann]

    76. Fago [2000 - Ole Schafer]

    77. Trajan [1989 - Carol Twombly]

    78. Kabel [1927 - Rudolf Koch]

    79. House Gothic 23 [1995 - Tal Leming]

    80. Kosmik [1993 - Letterror]

    81. Caecilia [1990 - Peter Matthias Noordzij]

    82. Mrs Eaves [1996 - Zuzana Licko]

    83. Corpid [1997 - Lucas de Groot]

    84. Miller [1997 - Matthew Carter]

    85. Souvenir [1914 - Morris Fuller Benton]

    86. Instant Types [1992 - Just van Rossum]

    87. Clarendon [1845 - Benjamin Fox]

    88. Triplex [1989 - Zuzana Licko]

    89. Benguiat [1989 - Ed Benguiat]

    90. Zapf Renaissance [1984 - Hermann Zapf]

    91. Filosofia [1996 - Zuzana Licko]

    92. Chalet [1996 - House Industries]

    93. Quay Sans [1990 - David Quay]

    94. C?zanne [1995 - Michael Want, James Grieshaber]

    95. Reporter [1938 - Carlos Winkow]

    96. Legacy [1992 - Ronald Arnholm]

    97. Agenda [1993 - Greg Thompson]

    98. Bello [2004 - Underware]

    99. Dalliance [2000 - Frank Heine]

    100. Mistral [1953 - Roger Excoffon]

    تم حذف الروابط من المصدر وهذه روابط بديلة

    افضل 1200 خط عربي

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