Trip Generation Manual, 11 Edition

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  • Saadedin
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    Institute of Transportation Engineers - Trip Generation Manual, 11 Edition

    Trip Generation Manual, 11 Edition is a publication of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). Trip Generation Manual is an educational tool for planners, transportation professionals, zoning boards, and others who are interested in estimating trip generation at a proposed development.

    Trip Generation Manual includes a complete set of searchable electronic files including land use descriptions and data plots for all available combinations of land uses, time periods, independent variables, and settings. Data contained in Trip Generation Manual are presented for informational purposes only and do not include ITE recommendations on the best course of action or the preferred application of the data. The information is based on trip generation studies submitted voluntarily to ITE by public agencies, developers, consulting firms, student chapters, and associations.

    Trip Generation Manual provides access for users to the ITETripGen web app. This desktop application allows electronic access to the entire trip generation dataset with numerous filtering capabilities including site setting (i.e., rural, general urban/suburban, dense multi-use urban, center city core), geographic location, age of data, and development size. Instructions for using ITETripGen are included within the app.

    Additional data are needed from the profession to create a data-rich environment for trip generation analysis. ITE will continue to prepare updates to Trip Generation Manual.

    User comments on Trip Generation Manual are invited. ITE continually seeks ways to increase the value of this document and requests that users provide recently collected data for the land uses presented in Trip Generation Manual or any other land uses for inclusion in future editions and updates.

    Although this report provides a powerful tool to better understand site-generated vehicle and person trips, it contains information that can also be easily misinterpreted without sound professional judgment. Users are cautioned to use professional judgment in applying all data contained in this report. They also need to be cognizant of site and area characteristics that can affect trip generation (e.g., availability of transit services, demand management strategies, parking pricing) and of the continued need for additional data. Lack of appreciation of these factors may lead to an inaccurate estimate of vehicle and person trip generation and ultimately the improper design of person and vehicle site access.

    The 11th edition is a four (4) volume printed set that features:

    All the latest multimodal trip generation data for urban, suburban and rural applications.
    Reclassified land uses to better meet user needs.
    Copies of all land use definitions, plots and supporting materials.

    Size: 405 MB



  • ugaret
    LifeTime Premium
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