ACI 562M-16: Code Requirements for Assessment, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Structures and Commentary

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    ACI 562M-16: Code Requirements for Assessment, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Structures and Commentary

    ACI 562M-16, “Code Requirements for Assessment, Repair and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Structures (metric)” was developed to provide design professionals involved in the assessment of existing concrete structures a code for the assessment of the damage and deterioration, and the design of appropriate repair and rehabilitation strategies. The code provides minimum requirements for assessment, repair, and rehabilitation of existing structural concrete buildings, members, systems and where applicable, nonbuilding structures. ACI 562-16 was specifically developed to work with the International Existing Building code (IEBC) or to be adopted as a stand-alone code.

    2015 | ISBN: 1942727119 | English | 524 pages | PDF | 8 MB



    Dear Sadedin.
    I am receiving this ( MOVED TO NEW DOMAIN NAME : DAMASWIKI SAVE LINK INTO YOUR BOOKMARKS AND SHARE IT ) message while I am trying to download the files. Could you please let me know how to resolve this?

      Originally posted by tajsay View Post
      Dear Sadedin.
      I am receiving this ( MOVED TO NEW DOMAIN NAME : DAMASWIKI SAVE LINK INTO YOUR BOOKMARKS AND SHARE IT ) message while I am trying to download the files. Could you please let me know how to resolve this?
      Here you are
      This is the new domain


      I hope that will help


        hello, inside the link there is ACI318 and NOT 526.
        Do you have the 526M?
        Thank you in advance.

        • Saadedin
          Saadedin commented
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