The Ultimate Arabic Course | Learn Arabic Language Course
Arabic Language Course | Arabic | Arabic Language | Learn Arabic | Arabic Course | learn Arabic language | Quran Arabic

What you'll learn
- You will learn how to recognise, read, and pronounce letters perfectly
- You will learn Arabic Sounds Qualities explained in details درجات الأصوات العربية
- You will learn how to read Arabic letters fluently in its natural connected form
- You will be introduced to writing Arabic words step by step (short introduction) مُقدمة لكتابة الكلماتِ خطوة بخطوة
- You will learn practice Arabic letters listening skills
- You will learn a unique method of memorising and remembering letters
- You will learn the Arabic letters look like in their various forms
- You will learn common mistakes when pronouncing Arabic letters and how to avoid them الأخطاءُ الشائعةُ عند نطق الحروف
- You will learn how to write the 28 letters correctly step by step كتابة الحروف بطريقة صحيحة خطوة بخطوة
- You will learn how to practice Arabic writing
- Learn the meanings of many day to day words as a natural consequence of the learning process
- You will learn how to write the 28 letters according to the line كتابة الحروف طبقا للخط
- You will learn common mistakes when writing Arabic letters and how to avoid them الأخطاءُ الشائعةُ عند كتابة الحروف العربية
- You will be in a strong position to study Arabic grammar
- You will learn the difference between Soft Sounds VS Amplified Sounds (the 5 pairs) الحروف المرققة والحروف المفخمة
- You will learn Arabic sounds VS English sounds - deep analysis with examples مقارنة بين الأصوات في اللغة العربية والإنجليزية
- You will learn how to write the 28 letters initial shape (in the beginning of the word) with example words 2 كتابة الحروف في بداية الكلمة
- You will learn Soft Sound and amplified sounds with Examples أمثلة على الحروف المرققة والحروف المفخمة
- You will learn how to write the 28 letters in the correct direction using arrows method كتابة الحروف في الاتجاه الصحيح
- You will learn connecting letters VS non-connecting letters الحروف المتصلة والغير متصلة
- You will learn how to write the 28 letters initial shape (in the beginning of the word) كتابة الحروف في بداية الكلمة
- You will learn how to write the 28 letters initial shape (in the beginning of the word) with example words كتابة الحروف في بداية الكلمة
- You will learn how to write the 28 letters in the middle shape (when the letter is in between two letters) with examples كتابة الحروف في منتصف الكلمة مع الأمثلة
- You will learn how to write the 28 letters in the middle shape (when the letter is in between two letters) with examples كتابة الحروف في منتصف الكلمة مع الأمثلة
- You will learn how to write the 28 letters in the terminal shape (when the letter is the last letter of the word) with examples
- You will learn how to write words with examples كتابة الكلمات مع الأمثلة
- You will be introduced to vowels in Arabic with examples الحركات
- Your will learn the short vowel Fathah with examples الفتحة
- Your will learn the short vowel Dammah with examples الضمة
- Your will learn the short vowel Kasrah with examples الكسرة
- You will be introduced long vowels in Arabic الحركات الطويلة
- Your will learn the supplementary letter (non-alphabetic character) ha.m°.za.h° الهمزة
- Your will learn the supplementary letters (non-alphabetic character) laam° alef° and taaâ° ma.r°.bootah° اللام ألف والتاء المربوطة
- Your will learn long vowel alef° with examples
- Your will learn long vowel waa.w° with examples
- Your will learn long vowel yaaa.â° with examples
- Your will learn the supplementary letter (non-alphabetic character) elongated alef° ألف المد
- Your will learn supplementary letter (non-alphabetic character) dagger alef° الألف الخنجرية
- Your will learn supplementary letter (non-alphabetic character) shortened alef° الألف المقصورة
- You will be introduced to definite and indefinite in Arabic المعرفة والنكرة
- You will be introduced to ta.n°.ween° التنوين
- Your will learn the popular rule about sokooo.n° “Use sokoo.n° to be in safe” with examples
- Your will learn shaddah° with fat°hah° with examples الشدة مع الفتحة
- You will be introduced to the relative yaaa.â° ياء النسبة
- Your will learn shadda.h° with ta.n°.wee.n° fa.t°.ha.h° with examples الشدة مع تنوين الفتحة
- You will be introduced to assimilation, sun and moon letters الحروف القمرية والحروف الشمسية
- Your will learn Moon letters with examples أمثلة على الحروف القمرية
- Your will learn Sun letters with examples أمثلة على الحروف الشمسية