هو برنامج لإنشاء الشبكة الافتراضية الخاصة من أجل حماية اتصالنا بالانترنت وتمكيننا من الولوج إلى المواقع المحجوبة.
والبرنامج مجاني بالكامل ويتميز بالبساطة وسهولة الاستخدام وإمكانية اختيار الخادم المفضل لاتصالنا بالانترنت ويقدم الحد الأدنى من الأدوات المطلوبة للتأكد من أن محاولات تصفح الإنترنت الخاصة بك تظل مجهولة وآمنة.
AXshield users pay nothing, with no strings attached.
AXshield provides all the benefits associated with VPNs without significantly sacrificing speed or slowing down your devices.
Stay connected and protected across all of your devices without having to worry about floundering signals or a lack of bandwidth.
All incoming and outgoing network traffic is automatically encrypted and sent to secure servers before reaching outgoing networks or your devices.
Unlike big tech and for-profit corporations, AXIA does not log or retain the data created by users of AXshield outside of crash logs.
AXshield is highly user-friendly: simply download the app for any device and connect to servers around the world via a seamless one-click connection.
Another layer of security is delivered via a custom Kill Switch that is built into AXshield in the unlikely event of a connection drop.
Shuffle through different IP addresses to enhance your privacy and avoid any type of tracking.
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